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Monday, June 2, 2003
"Western Palace" presentations
Notebooks, Electronic Portfolio, and EC Due Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 3, 2003
1. Work on presentations.
2. Work on Handouts: 9,10,12,15,16 Due Thurs.
*All work other than final presentation due tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2003
"Song" presentations

Thursday, June 5, 2003
Work on Projects

Friday, June 6, 2003
Oscar Wilde Final Presentation

Quote of the Day
The permanence of all books is fixed by no effort friendly or hostile, but by their own specific gravity, or the intrinsic importance of their contents to the constant mind of man.

— Lorraine Hansberry

Sophomore Honors English 2 is a semester course designed to improve language arts skills at an accelerated level. This course will fulfill district and state graduation requirements. Students will read several works from different genres, including short stories, poetry, nonfiction, novels, and drama. Students will also be expected to complete various writing tasks related to these works, including essays, creative writing, research papers, presentations, and multimedia projects. This course is designed to prepare students for entrance into the Advanced Placement English program.

Word of the Day
genial \JEEN-yuhl; JEE-nee-uhl\, adjective:
1. Friendly, warm; kindly; sympathetically cheerful and cheering.
2. Mild, pleasant; comfortable; favorable to life or growth.

To make his misery complete he was forced to travel back in the winter, in the most inclement weather.
--Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, The Sleeping Beauty and other Fairy Tales

Sophomore Reading List

Museum Extra Credit Form

Renaissance Pleasure Faire: May 3 - June 15