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Voice message by Web author/master:



The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them. 

Hi Friends:

My name is Saima Yousaf. I am visually impaired and live in Pakistan.
My reasons for turning my home page into an E/organization are; to pass on information, which may be helpful to other sighted, blind or visually impaired
People, to promote awareness in society that a blind or visually impaired person can help themselves and other handicapped individuals and that handicapped
people can and do maintain a positive attitude in every facet of their lives.
Lets try to alleviate each other's pain and suffering. We must not allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity and we must not think that our efforts are too
Little to be effective. This is the irony and hope is the key of success, which is inevitable.
One Note is:
"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God."
So, whatever talents you have or if you think that you can share your skills or knowledge with others, just give yourself a try. 



A picture of blinking eye.



 One great lady said:
"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do."
-Helen Keller
I will include those links here, which I have found after spending many tiring nights in front of my pc. One day I decided that I must give myself a chance
to do something positive. I asked Allah to give me Help in creating this website. Now I think I can take a positive step with this little contribution
and perhaps make something more useful for someone else And share what I have learned from cyber space and My Internet friends from all over the World
Who are a real blessing in disguise for me sends by God.
Explore this page, you will get a lot of information not only about organizations of and for the Blind and visually impaired but a lot more and you can
Entertain yourself as well. I owe many thanks to God "Allah" and my parents, family, and my friends and prayers, which I was unaware of otherwise, I could
not have accomplished it.
If you would like to ve a volunteer you can visit my group and become a member after dropping me a blank email on the given address.
My group:
The subscription address is:
If you would like to know more about me you can visit this link: 

My Life

 If you would like to get help from the members, contact them .

Get help
If you would like to discuss your problems with the members you can come into the voice room. For this you need to install software, which will take only
A few minutes. Just follow the instructions.

Join us in our voice room

If you are interested in e learning, you must visit this link:


That's the area where you will get courses of different variety.



Here you will find many resources related to disabilities:

Resources and information


Brief list of organizations from different parts of the world:



NGOS working in Pakistan


Please donate for earthquake victums

Give your donation please

For Blind/Visual Impaired people

If you would like to entertain yourself. Click here.

You will get Many interesting downloads here:

Message of Islam

My Country Pakistan

My favourite Urdu poems

If you like to contact me,
Send email to Saima

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Beyond Our Vision
Last updated on:
First September, 2006
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