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!!! RING FREE !!! With 5 sites:

1. Thakar Singh's Sant Mat,
2. Paul Twitchell's Eckankar,
3. Gary Olsen's Masterpath,
4. Chris Tims's The Order of the Blue Star,

5. I am C. Luke Gurbin, and our humourous and legendary site is built on some blessings of the divine.

!!! RING FREE !!!,

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Some of Luke's background:

I have had the ringing so loud in my ears that it runs through my body as a river, bringing both rejuvenation and estacy. This is the fountain of youth, this...this is the holy grail. For those who see the sparkles, aura, and actively listen to the ringing whether in estacy or simply devotion... for those to whom the flute plays and the buzzing bees and tinkling bells toll... contact my wife and I at will be good to compare notes"S" Ring free!!!

Reading about " the god intoxicated person" in various Eckankar books, I have known the experience as calling myself a "shabd junkie". Would anyone with an experience or insight into having blue dust on my forhead due to a spiritual blesssing please let me know any angle. I would be glad to hear of similar experiences. I was doing reiki and falling asleep listening to "hemi-synch" tapes from the monroe institute about ten years ago, and upon "sleeping", I was in a state of estacy , from the top of the head only. I awoke to this plane, and went out to perform banking, wondering why I got astared at. I arrived home, and , going to the washroom, discovered that my forehead was ...having blue powder in a line from nose top to hairline. The line of powder tapered at the ends. Also, if you can lead me to others with this experience, thanks.

The burning bush of Moses from the christian bible - it is happening all the time in the realm of form. This is the vorpals, made of 2 parts. The flame is what we consider form (sheathing(s)), and the formless awareness of the divine is the foundation. Even the baptisms of the churches are symbolic of what occurs to those who truely love the divine may attain first hand. May the deva of open awareness strengthen those who have the true courage to do the work to ring free! Relinquish the " psychic smorgasbourg" of the soul to dwell within the light and sound teachings and...RING FREE!!!

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