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The Rapps Family Homepage (under construction)


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Photo Album

Hi everyone this website is just starting out so please bear with me i will be updating as often as I can right now im going to leave the body message pretty much blank. THX for the patience -Jason

Family Bios


Brenda is is main source of life, laughs, sustenance, and laundry in the household she is the glue that keeps the rest of us nutters together, she has this crazy obsession with the game SCRABBLE and is a dog lover (AKA: She's out to get the cat).
Some would say the mother is the most serious member of the this case that doesnt really seem to fit, if you dont prank her first she will prank you!!!


He is the crazy daredevil 54 year old firefighter whose hobbys include glorifying the cat, glorifying the cat and.........Oh yea watering flower baskets, with 26 years of firefighting experience under his belt he is always the one to tell me to put the gas can and lighter down or not light the tree on fire.....he is a great father and role model and will make a very good cantakerous old person in about 25 years.


What can can I say about my self I'm a brave super genius body builder who also happens to be a huge liar. I have somewhat weird tastes in music Quote my friends "Coltrane Huh??" I play the bass clarinet well enough to restore some of the dignity I lost when I picked up the recorder. I have a deep love-hate relationship with the cat (she hates it when I love her). Im also a petty officer second class in sea cadets (concerted groan from my friends from school :P)

Dad's Corner

Some of the things I like are meat pies and steam engines more to come soon cheers.

Cookie's Nook

bv 5gfv ty oklx km .,v xsdnb jjjjjjj211165fdewwgh
(dont complain about the spelling she IS a cat)

Mother's Niche

Hi I'm Mom, Jason made me do this.