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Relics: The Relics of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the 1st Sikh Guru that have descended in this Family are as follows

1 The Original Pothi ( Book) of Guru Nanak.

2 The original Mala ( Rosary) of Guru Nanak.

3 The Original Topi (Cap) of Guru Nanak.

4 The Padam (Priceless Jewel in which the image of Guru Nanak is Visible & His Right foot Thumb print is also visible).

5 The Saligram which has 16 circles around it and originally belonged to Guru Nanak.

6 A Small Pothi that is also Descended in this Family.

7 A Gold Coin of Lord Krishna that originally belonged to Guru Nanak.


POTHIMALA GALLERY: Relics of Guru Nanak Dev ji

Guru Nanaks Pothi And Mala copy.jpg

The original  Pothi & Mala, The Padam & Saligram which belonged to Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


The original Mala (Rosary) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


The Padam (Priceless Jewel in which the image of Guru Nanak is Visible & His Right foot Thumb print is also visible).



The Padam, The Saligram & 1 Rudraksh bead & Bead of Gold from the original  Mala of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


A page from the original Pothi (book) of Guru Nanak.

A page from the original Pothi (book) of Guru Nanak.


A page from the original Pothi (book) of Guru Nanak.


A page from the original Pothi (book) of Guru Nanak.


A  gold Coin from the time of Lord Krishna that has descended in the Family.


A page from the original Pothi (book) of Guru Nanak.

click to enlarge

The smaller Pothi that has descended in the Family.

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A view of writing in the smaller Pothi.


A Rudraksh bead & a gold bead from the Mala of Guru Nanak.

The original Topi (Cap) of Guru Nanak.









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