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By West

The MC51 is a sort of a hybrid of the MP5 submachine gun and the G3 assault rifle. The gun is very compact, and also has an enormous ammo capacity at 500 rounds per hicap. This is one of the best alround weapons available in airsoft today.

First impressions

The gun was sent from Redwolf airsoft in Hong Kong. When I got the package, I immediately tore all the paper wrapping away, and I felt like a kid on Christmas eve. The box is brown/black with a nice picture of the MC51 and a text saying "United States Special Operations Command" (US SOCOM), although if this gun is used in any US forces is beyond my humble knowledge.

Opening the box reveals the usual white foam packing and one very handsome and surprisingly large gun. There are quite a few metal parts on this gun, and the plastic of the main body is actually very metal looking. Metal parts on the exterior: flash hider, barrel, front sight assembly and sight, rear sight, trigger, selector switch, magazine, magazine release button, entire sliding stock, sling tags and one robust cocking handle. Of coarse all the screws and pins are also metal.

Picking the gun up, Iīd estimate a weight of maybe 2,5 kg, and itīs lighter than it looks. Looking at the back of the manual you can read the correct weight which is 2500g, so my guess was accurate.

Sliding the stock out gives the gun a length of 806mm, which is just about right for a normal sized person. The buttplate has a nice thick rubber sole.

The pistolgrip is quite fat and ergonamicaly shaped, but it is a bit short for my hands. The front grip is the same as that of the MP5 A5/4, and holds the same battery.

The only thing I wasnīt extremly happy with, was the selector switch. It is way too loose, and it has an unsafe feel.

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After loading a mini battery (8,4V 600mAh) and installing it in the front grip, it was time to see what this little bastard could really do!

This gun uses the very large G3 magazines that hold 70 rounds (20rounds of 7,62 cal in real life), and the hicaps hold a stunning 500 rounds. I highly recommend the hicaps as 70 BBs dissapear all to fast.

The magazines fit perfectly and unlike many other guns, they donīt move or wiggle around at all!

First I tried to get the hopup right, which is done by turning a small wheel hidden in the ejection port. It is revealed by pulling back the cocking handle, and if you lock the handle back, the port also stays open.

Having the gun set on semi auto, I pulled the trigger and saw the 0,25 BB sail away at least 30 meters before it started dropping. (0,20 BBs gives more range but less accuracy)   The sound made by the gun was very smooth and reliable sounding.

But semi auto is not really what these guns are for are they? Switching to full auto (marked by a red 20 on the gun) , I aimed at a tree and pulled the trigger. The sound was even smoother on auto, and a string of white BBs slammed into the tree, maybe 25 meters away. The effects on the tree was impressive. The sound of the impacts were a loud and quick "DAK DAK DAK DAK DAK", and  pieces of bark and dust were sent flying, which pleased my eyes!

Iīve later tested the MC51s accuracy by shooting at paper plates at various ranges, and despite the rather short barrel it shoots consistent. Hitting one of these plates (20 cm diameter) at 20 meters is no problem, and man sized targets are reliably hit from 30 meters, using 0,20 BBs and no real wind.

The sights are excellent on this gun. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation, as well as having 4 quick settings for different ranges (in real life anyways, hardly useful in airsoft) of which one is an open sight that I find the most useful.



Iīve played a few games with the MC51 and it is really the most perfect alround gun Iīve ever used. Itīs small enough not to get in you way while moving yet long enough for decent long range fighting.

I, however have used it mostly in close range fighting, because that is the kind of   player I am, and the MC51 totally rocks in this arena! Using it in one hand while running is no problem with the stock retracted. (This is something I like to do while rushing some objective if your wondering)

The gun has an EG700 motor which gives it a real good rate of fire. This along with 500 rounds in the clip and your ready to take on the world.

The 500 round clips also makes the gun useful as a small support weapon, just blast away!



This weapon is perfect for new players as well as experienced warriors, thanks to itīs compactness, high magazine capacity and itīs robust and problem free construction.

There are also a lot of accesories available, both those that fit the MP5s and the stuff that fits the G3s. I personally have a scope and a tracer for mine, mostly for   looks, but they come in handy every now and then.

Another plus is of coarse the relatively low price! (so you can buy more ammo, of coarse!)