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Problem Solving For Leaders


The only thing that every problem has is a solution.

"Try, try, till you succeed" is one way of solving a problem, used successfully by Robert Bruce and now followed by all of us when we are in a spot. He who shows the way is a leader. This applies to problems solving too.

An absence of problems would take the spice out of life. Can you imagine how dull and drab life would be without problems? We better ourselves with each problem that we overcome. Our faculties are put to good use when we solve a problem. And we build a wealth of experience to draw from when faced with similar problems later on. 

Remember the old saying, ‘The wise learn from others’ experiences and fools from their own’. It goes without saying that problem solving by others could aid you in a similar situation, if you are alert enough to pay attention to how it is solved. Never let a problem intimidate you. Face any difficult situation with the assurance that a solution is out there, waiting to be claimed by you.

The human mind is a powerful tool. Use it to your advantage and always work towards solutions. This attitude will be reflected in your speech, actions and words. And the message that goes out will be a very positive one. It will get you all the support that you need. But if you let your self-confidence falter, it will show through easily and that is when the number of people looking towards you for a solution will dwindle. Everyone wants a strong and focused leader who is result-oriented. And that might have a further negative effect on you. So be on your guard and never let your self-confidence waver, whatever the situation.

e objective
Tackle the problem objectively. Analyse facts about it, pinpoint what went wrong and why. Ask a lot of questions both to others and yourself. Be ruthlessly objective and do not let emotions colour your opinions. 

Listen well. Listen carefully to the answers that the questions posed by you bring in. Therein lies your solution, which you can arrive at after careful thought.

How important is your problem?
Give the problem the credit due to it, neither more nor less. How would one determine the amount of credit to be attached to any problem? Imagine a situation where it is not solved, the hypothetical consequences would answer your question. If you feel that the consequences warrant the removal of the problem go ahead, or else put it on the back burner and shift your attention elsewhere.

Break down into tasks and wherever possible and delegate
Assuming you choose to solve a problem, identify the tasks to be performed and assign the tasks to specific people. Give specific requirements and concise directions. Show the way to arrive at the solution. Showing the right path is the hallmark of a leader. 

However, beware of being overconfident. Never assume that you yourself are the final authority on things. Always cross check facts and discuss ideas with other people. The result may surprise you: facts, even obvious ones, that you missed, may be pointed out to you.

mplement your solutions
Once a solution is decided upon, go ahead and implement it. Many problems remain unsolved only because of lack of implementation of ideas, which are otherwise brilliant. If at any point you find the situation out of control and feel the need for help, never hesitate to ask. 

Always test your solutions and once they are implemented, monitor them. This is the real test of effectiveness. You may be able to save many a situation by knowing well in time if something goes wrong. And, needless to say, such mistakes won’t be repeated in future. 
