Humor Section

Last Updated 04/07/2004

Baby Laughing

They say laughter is good for the soul. We sure hope that at the very least you get a good grin every now and again. Welcome to Patriot's Humor Section. In this section I will be posting humorous items from time to time, so be sure to check back and see what's new!

Your Brain

Click on the links below to read the humor articles. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have :)

White Men And The Government

Gotta Love Those Marines

A Woman's Perfect Breakfast

PMS In The Bible

How Stupid Are We?

The 72 Virginians

Don't Step On The Ducks


Rule Book For The South

Smart Politicians

What to do when you have a, I hate my job day

Blind Guy Telling Blonde Joke

The Shepherd and the Young Man

>Wives say, Husbands hear

Around The Corner

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