Cents Per Fluid Ounce

Figure out how much per ounce each of these sells for. Then arrange them from the most expensive to the least expensive. Show your work!

Gas                 $1.65 per gallon
NyQuil            $8.35 for 6 oz.
Whiteout         $1.39 for .8 oz.
Milk                $ 2.89 for 128 oz.
Gatorade                $1.59 for 20 oz. 
Snapple                  $1.29 for 16 oz.
Pepto Bismol          $3.85 for 4 oz.
Coke                      $0.59 for 12 oz.
Ocean Spray  Cranberry Juice  $2.54 for 30 oz.
Lipton Iced Tea                       $1.19 for 16 oz. 
Evian Water                             $1.49 for 9 oz.
Scope                                      $0.99 for 1.5 oz.