The Objectives of the U.D.C. are Historical, Educational, Benevolent, Memorial, and Patriotic - to honor the memory of those who served and those who fell in the service of the Confederate States; to protect, preserve, and mark the places made historic by Confederate valor; to collect and preserve that material for a truthful history of the "War between the States;" to record the part taken by Southern women in patient endurance of hardship and patriotic devotion during the struggle, as in untiring efforts after the war during the reconstruction of the South; to fulfull the sacred duty of benevolence toward the survivors and toward those dependent on them; to assist descendants of worthy Confederates in securing proper education; and to cherish the ties of friendship among the members of the Organization. 

Lt. General Richard Heron Anderson, known as "Fighting Dick," in whose honor this United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter was named, was born October 7, 1821, at Borough House, in Stateburg, Sumter County, South Carolina.

After he graduated from nearby Edgehill Academy, he was appointed to West Point Military Academy by the Honorable Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War. Dick Anderson served in the United States army for nearly eighteen years, with distinguished service in the Mexican War.

When the War Between the States began on April 12, 1861, he resigned from the U.S. Army and offered his services to his native South Carolina.

He replaced General Beaurguard in Charleston. Made a brigader in July of 1861, he was soon posted to Florida. Later he saw service in Virginia as a senior South Carolina officer, serving as one of General Robert E. Lee's lieutenant generals with the Army of Northern Virginia.




In 1896, the Ladies' Monumental Association of Sumter voted to deed its books, papers, funds, property, and Confederate Dead Memorial monument to the United Daughters of the Confederacy. In order to accept, the U.D.C. had to have a local charter, which emerged as the Dick Anderson Chapter No. 75, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

On August 31, 1897, the Ladies' Monumental Association transferred its rights to the monument, at which time the Chapter gave its solemn pledge that it would be responsible for the monument's maintenance and preservation.

Organized on July 13, 1896. The Dick Anderson Chapter received its formal Charter from the United Daughters of the Confederacy on October 11, 1897.

In 1951, the Dick Anderson Chapter No. 75, UDC, dedicated an eight-foot bronze tablet embedded in a granite boulder at the Sumter Cemetery on Oakland Avenue. Many soldiers who died in Sumter's Confederate hospitals during the war were buried there. Some who died at the Battle of Dingle's Mill were buried in the Sumter Cemetery also. The monument is on the gravesite of Grabriel C. Jones. There are fourty-one stones surrounding the monument with names from the bronze tablet engraved on each of the stones. The only stone with more than a name is that honoring Lieutenant R.A. Painpare, a Lousiana native who was killed at Dingle's Mill. Painpare was a patient in a Sumter hospital when he left the hospital to assist in the defense of Dingle's Mill.

The Dick Anderson Chapter established a Trust Fund for the perpetual care and preservation of Sumter's Confederate Dead Monument, and for the placement of laurel leaf wreaths on appropriate occasions at this monunment as well as at the Confederate Monument located in the Sumter Cemetery.

The Dick Anderson Chapter also established a Trust Account for the purpose of making scholarship awards to highly qualifed student applicants. Through the 2000 -2001 school year, the chapter has awarded a total of $170,500 in scholarship funds to 77 deserving Sumter County students.


Sumter's Confederate Dead Monument

UDC General Headquarters

UDC Chapter Links

On July 12, 1994 our name "United Daughters of the Confederacy" was officially approved
by the Patent Trademark Office of the United States.

On July 26, 1994 our insignia (logo) was also approved by the Patent Trademark Office of the United States.
Therefore, they are not to be used without permission and when displayed must have the copyright symbol.

Contact the Dick Anderson Chapter #75 U.D.C.

Web site created on April 2, 2001

Last updated on April 8, 2001

© 2001  Dick Anderson Chapter UDC # 75 - All rights reserved.
