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International Conflict Resolution

Conflict in the world

United world

the spot in the world face
Peace Studies
Media for peace

November 20, 20001

Mr. Kofi Annan
United Nations Secretary-General

President William Jefferson Clinton
Former President of the United States of America

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister of Great Britain

President Nelson Mandela
Former President of South Africa

"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

- from Nelson Mandela's statement from the dock at the opening of the defence case in the Rivonia Trial, Pretoria Supreme Court, 20 April 1964.

Dear respective Leaders:

I respectfully submit the enclosed proposal for your evaluation of its validity. The endorsement of this proposal by the General Secretary of the UN and the former head of states of the different countries is the first and an essential step.

It is my hope that the outcome of this proposal could be a useful instrument that can be used in resolving international conflict and eventually the attaining of world peace.

Respectfully yours,

A Concerned World Citizen.


I have been following international conflicts for many years. My formal training is natural science. The motivation to write this proposal is enforced by the disaster incident that took place in USA on September 11, 2001.

I was also inspired by the speech of the President of Venezuela at the UN General Assembly on November 09, 2001. In his speech, the President questions about the existing type of democracy. He said that

"Democracy must deal with justice and ethics that leads to fair economic model. He also reminded head of states at the United Nations to talk about the truth, justice, and human dignity of all peoples."

The statement he made on the globalization village is a concept that brings to light that the old model is no more valid. It is with the spirit of these thoughts that I attempted to present the enclosed proposal to you, the respected leaders of the world.

I will try to share with you my realistic view at this moment. I would be opposed to the kind of warfare between terrorists and anti-terrorists. I prefer the option of solutions other than war. If we really want to do something about terrorism we have to start listening to terrorists as well as to ourselves. There are many more millions who are angry, righteous and not informed in the least about the actual conditions that have created and continue to create terrorism. In fact, the poor continue getting poorer and multiply and the rich continue getting richer and decrease because of the world politics that exist right now. This is what creates the context in which terrorism thrives.

Since way before there were billions of us, we have been making up rules and traditions and conventions about how to get along together. Most of these ways were made up by people who are already dead now. It is not working. We have to make up a new model for how we live together. When we make up something new, we might consider this. Our fate and our future prospect in this turbulent world are the same. Unless we go forward by supporting each other, by caring and sharing, our very survival in this planet is at stake. We are people in the same boat; whatever happens, anywhere and any time, would have direct implications elsewhere. So, new kind of approach could have a significant contribution in ascertaining peace in the world and in fostering dialogue and understanding among human families anywhere. In the revolution of consciousness we have to use that energy to talk about what is so and make up something new.


Justification for a Need of a New Model

The old model used for solving international political conflict got absolute. The old model used states or even national liberation groups as parties in a conflict. The recent case with the attack of the Wold Trade Center in New York created a problem because the United States of America could not be able to name its enemy. The enemy is not a State or one national liberation group but many people in different countries including the United States. On the other hand, failure of other countries to cooperate against the terrorists complicates the approach to the solution of the international stability. The approach to solve the current problem at large has evolved confusion and deep misunderstanding among nations of the world. The condition that terrorism has no national identity and location requires new model, which can deal with the contemporary reality, is the order of the day. Therefore, the problem with which this study deals is to study for a new model that can be used to resolve international conflicts.

Objective of the Proposal

Objective of this proposal is to initiate a study in order to come up with effective model of dealing international conflicts.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is the international political system. A study that deals with the international conflict should consider national states as unites of analysis. In order to look for a reliable and effective model, which can be used as a guide to deal with international conflict, we have to identify the causes of current international conflict in the first place. The many political prisoners we have in the different countries personify the cause of the current international conflict. These prisoners represent the different issues that are the causes of conflict. They are the sources or data bank in terms of acquiring the causes of international conflict. To use what they have to say and make them to come up with some model is the essence of this proposal, which can be used effectively as starting point to solve conflicts between countries.

The Role of International Political prisoners is vital for the study because they have the following qualities:

  1. They are imprisoned for having different views from their respective regimes
  2. They can offer different issue points since they came from different countries
  3. They represent the idea of many in their political groupings
  4. They have experience dealing with political issues gained from their past involvement.
  5. Their educational background probably is politics

Steps Required

  1. Form a board composed of former head of states of the different countries such as Presidents and Prime Ministers. The board of directors will act as decision –making body and are responsible for administrating the center.

  2. Members of the board will approach the different countries to discuss the feasibility of the project

  3. Set up an institution or center where the study will be conducted and the suggested name for the institution is United World. This center will be the source of intellectual framework to devise and propagate the model, which enhances peace in a world with out domination of one group over the other because of the advantage of proximity to technological advancement or natural resource.

  4. Create executive body to run the day-to-day operation of the center and who are responsible for staffing, fund raising, supervise the process of the study, and other relevant functions.


  1. document the old existing method
  2. expose the discrepancy of this method as a cause for current international conflicts
  3. suggest a new model
  4. test the model


    Evaluation Procedure

    In order to determine the validity of the study, a committee of head of states (governmental organization), NGO (non-governmental organizations) and members of the Academia will discus the feasibility of the study. The final evaluation of the report from the committee should be submitted to the UN for the discussion in the General Assembly. The final document by the General Assembly will be a legal document to guide the new model.

    A World Citizen