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Location: Auckland, originally from Texas.

Interests, hobbies, etc: I have a huge interest in Angels, and I collect Angels and books about Angels. I'm also interested in Astrology, primarily Esoteric as opposed to Exoteric Astrology. I'm also interested in the Sephiroth (The Tree of Life of the Qabbalah) and Tarot. I like listening to music, mostly Latin such as Luis Miguel, Marc Anthony, etc. I like listening to Queen and Aerosmith and anything Mowtown. Even though I'm Latin, don't believe it when ya hear "All Latins can dance, cause they have built in rhythm." Errrrr, nope, not true; I can't dance, not one step. When I try to dance, I kinda look like a bull in a china store tryin very hard not to break anything. ~lol~

Yahoo messenger: angelica_542; MSN messenger: angelica_154

Email: Yahoo or Hotmail. But you can also reach me at

Web Site: Well this one and I have two others. But, they are both under heavy construction and only the front pages are up right now. I manually code the pages myself because quite frankly, every html editor I've tried confuses me. And trust me, nothin' like havin' a confused Texan runnin' around and cursin' the editor gods. ~lol~

This is a site dedicated to realms of the imagination: Angels and angel magick; tarot; esoteric astrology; wizards and such. Hopefully it'll make people use their imaginations and ponder the possibilities.

AngelWorks Graphics and Web Designs
This is my very own graphics and web design site. I'm just learning how to use PSP 8 and Animation Shop 3, so not much is up on that site yet.

The siggie I use the most in the forum:

What I want other resident's to know about me: Well, I believe in the journey of the Soul. I believe that each soul is placed here in this realm to accomplish something before moving onto to the next. I don't hold to any one religious doctrine. I'm more spiritual than religious I suppose.

I would rather spend a quite evening at home with my partner, than out on the town. He's the other half of my soul and I could find no greater joy than spending time with him. :)

SmileCity nickname: angelica. In other forums I've been called "the silly angel" and even "evil personified" or "Satan's spawn." Hmmmm, I have no idea why anyone would call me evil...none what-so-ever. hehehehe :)

The quote I most use: ~there are no endings, only new beginnings~