Welcome to my journey! Here you will see a variety of snapshots........ of Quebec! Clicking on any of the photos on this page (including the one above, which will reveal a stunning view of St-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!) will open a larger image, so sit back and enjoy the colorful world of Quebec!

(1) The courthouse in Montreal. (2) A nice silhouette of a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. (3) This White Admiral paused here for a picture here on this Eupatorium.

(1) Perhaps the most perfect shade of blue! (2) A dock on the shore of Lake Squatec. (3) Lobster mushrooms - sliced and drying in the late-afternoon sunshine for the market!

(1) A natural design within the core of this cut log. (2) A beautiful Viceroy butterfly along an old logging trail. (3) This Alligator Snapper awaits a meal (NOT a native species of Quebec. This is someone's pet)!

(1) This cool structure was once part of Expo '67. (2) A roadside view of the Quebec countryside. (3) They really know how to shoot-off some nice fireworks up here!

(1) This Comma butterfly rests on a Cornel, which produced edible red berries in late-Summer, (2) The purple plant is Fireweed, and id is widespread throughout the area. (3) This image is made entirely out of light!

(1) This Sulfur butterfly pauses to sip some sweet clover nectar. (2) Female Mallard ducks "tipping" for a meal. (3) The beautiful seeds of the non-native Castor bean plant.

Part TWO