
I was actually able to "get away" for the first time in a very long time! Rather than hog all the beauty all to MYSELF...... I will share every mountain peak, warm fuzzy moment, and all the wonders of my little quest into the great Northwoods WITH you, so kick back and enjoy as we travel there together!

Here you will see the journey from beginning to end!

This is beautiful downtown Hartford, Connecticut, which I passed thru at the start of my journey.

Not long past Hartford I was in Western Massachusetts, and the scenic, rolling hill country can be seen here.


The "Green Mountain" state..... and a BEAUTIFUL one!! Wow..... it wasn't too long before the mountains started to look like mountains..... and about halfway thru the state some really BIG ones popped over the horizon as shown here!

The NEXT page will take you into the big mountain scenery!