What I believe about the past....... now....... and forever.

As I look out over the vast ocean,
It's easy to wonder how it all began!

Was it all just an "accident" - as so many believe, or was this all PLANNED?! I wondered this for many years, until one day I was shown that the great big God of all the universe made everything for His own good pleasure....... including ME!

He gave His very BEST for me, when He allowed Jesus to die in my place, and when Jesus arose from the dead, He did it to save me! He saved me from "eternal lostness" in dark torment by taking all my evil deeds upon His very SELF........ and because God the Father ACCEPTED this, Jesus is very much ALIVE right now, and He SAVED me from all the "hell" I deserve, (not just I, but the Bible says "for ALL have sinned, and have fallen way short of the glory and 'perfectness' of God"), and despite my wrong-doings, I (and we ALL) have a beautiful and loving savior, who DEMONSTRATED His love for us, by doing all He DID for us!

The cross is empty............. and so is the grave they laid Him in, and you may ask "Where IS He then", and the answer is "He lives in my very heart and soul"! Am I a preacher?? No, I'm just a long haired nature guy, who is on an incredible journey thru this life, and has along the way paused to enjoy many of the sights and sounds - and friends - in this life!

Anyways Jesus is not the "God of the RELIGIOUS", but desires to be the friend of the normal, ordinary person you see every day - like YOU and ME!

In Eternity, time will be no MORE, and we will know as we are known. A cool fact: Eternity is the state of "perpetual NOW", or the "forever PRESENT", and not to be measured by the hours in a day.

If you have not done so yet......

This is a MUST-HEAR message. I promise you won't be sorry for clicking here!
Incredible Words Of LIFE!

Please see "My Testimony"

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