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Masika Literary Magazine
  Premier Issue Scheduled For Release February 4, 2002!
  Masika is a new literary magazine that is for the serious writer who loves the craft of story telling, whether through short stories or poetry. This is the premier literary magazine interested in finding new writers and giving them the opportunity to showcase their work in a fashionable publication.

There will be two issues released in 2002. One on February 4, and the other October 7.
In 2003 there will be three issues released, Spring/Summer, Fall and Winter.

Each issue will be at least 40 pages filled with the best short stories and poetry currently being written by the young writers of America.

Each issue will be sent to at least ten Literary Agents that will have the opportunity to read and, perhaps, discover the next best-selling sensation.


SPECIAL OFFER! (click here)
For a limited time you can order a one year subscription (Two issues) for $8.00 and add the second year for only $8.00 more! (Three issues.)


All types of stories will be considered for publication. I look for well-written stories that have conflict and an interesting, sharp plot that has been crafted into a tight, readable story.