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The Passion of The Cross

Dear Lord Jesus, give me a closer glimpse
Into Your heart divine,
As You set Your heart with passion
To Golgotha for this heart of mine.
Release my sight to look beyond
The things of earth I crave,
So I can understand the reality
That made Your heart so brave.
What was the wonder that You saw
To stagger under my sins heavy load,
For the love of all mankind
With such amazing grace to show.
From this grip of sin, can I be free
Should I bear it's end alone,
But now I see, You came to have my life
Why want it as Your own.
To bear all of this deep darkness
You stepped fearlessly toward the pain
You never turned your heart away,
But hung there, dying in the rain.
That rain came down with thunder
It came hailing down with sting,
It railed sharply at Your very life
It filled your soul within.
What was it Lord, that You could see
Of wondrous joy that lay ahead,
To cry "Father, please forgive them",
As with love You bowed Your head.
I can but thankyou dear Lord Jesus
That You bore all of my blame,
I ponder,..whether,..deep down inside,
Were You somehow in the pain, almost singing,
Very softly in the rain.

Derry's Heart Poems

©2004 used with permission

My Lover spoke and said to me
Arise my darling, my beautiful one and come with Me.
See the winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come.
Song of Solomon 2:10-12

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