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Three crosses stand for all to see.
Two were for thieves, and one for me.
I never was nailed to that tree.
Another was nailed there for me.

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There was a man who took my place.
My debt is gone without a trace.
It was not missed identity,
But love that put Him on that tree.
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Three crosses stand until this day
To show how He takes sin away.
Empty crosses upon a hill
Remind me of the Father's will,

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And of the Son who took my place
To bear my sins and my disgrace.
He took my guilt and bore my shame,
And I will never be the same.
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Three crosses stand so I might see
The love it took to set me free.
The price was paid, there, for my debt
So that the Father could forget.

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I prayed for mercy. He gave grace.
Then with great Love, He took my place.
This is the praise that I shall give,
"He came to die, that I might live."

® ™

© Glen Pysell ~ 2001
Use with permission only.

Used With permission

Please write © Glen Pysell
with comments or for permission
to use The Three Crosse's or any of his work.
Please don't use without permission.

He said, It is finished:
and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
John 19:30

Christian ® ™
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