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johan labuschagne's

home page


under difficult construction


This is at the sea at I-lan (Taiwan) where I teach.  This website is one day old, so don't judge to harshly.  I am still in the experimental phase.  Have difficulty in uploading photos.  I use FrontPage 2002, and although it says it uploads the file, the photograph can not be viewed when I open my webpage. I just started using FrontPage as well.

My email addresses are: or

Any tips would be welcome.  Especially from FrontPage experts.

Another problem is that I will be without Internet connection from my room for a month or two.

I enjoy the ADSL (broadband) in Taiwan.  When I left South Africa in Dec. 2002 the Internet connection was still very slow, even ISDN - nothing compared to what I have now.

Also from South Africa?  Drop me a mail and lets start a Club (or some sort of way to stay connected) or a Support Group.