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Memo to the Band

The first Original song of 2003. We're getting a little Wicked and Dangerous here...

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Words and Music © 2003 by Karen I. Olsen


Sing a song of six-packs, weave a web of lies;
False Knights upon the road,
Devils in disguise.
I’ve given half the plot away,
Sneezed upon your stew;
Well, keep me in the dark, but
I am one of you.

Four-and-twenty blackbirds flew off with your hat.
I watched it from my corner,
Drinking cider with the cat.
Thrice dead, plot-twisting,
See the story through...
I’m the stone you cast aside, boys,
But I’m still one of you.

I’m the doubt you cannot shake,
I’m the rain on your parade;
The itch between your shoulders,
The unguessable charade.
Plans you’ve etched in stone
For your cast and crew--
Ah, but one loose end remains, for
I am one of you.

I’m the thirteenth fairy with no bidding to the feast,
Though I’m sure my credentials
Could stand up with yours, at least.
I’m a fifth column, fifth wheel,
What good would I do?
Ah, my pen’s a poisoned spindle now,
But I belong with you.

My heart’s set on joining in the music I adore.
I’m sure I can manage—
I’ve played harder stuff before.
Singing with heart and soul,
Dreams a-coming true;
Reject me at your peril, lads,
For I am one of you.

So sing a song of six-packs, weave a web of lies;
False Knights upon the road,
Devils in disguise.
And it's thrice dead, plot-twisting,
See the story through...
I’m the stone you cast aside, boys,
But I’m still one of you.

Yes, I’ll play the fiddle backstage,
Whatever you may do:
It’s time you signed me on, guys,
'Cause I belong with you.
I belong with you.
I am one of you!


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