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My Home Page

A Little coming out Fun

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! now that i have you alone lets talk. mostly likely your someone i don't like. especially if your related to my boyfriend and are not his house hold family. yes that mean you Evans "Scum". but if you know me which few of you do i like the out doors i come of mean but have a good heart and i hate the V.P. Fitzy. i'm in the process of baking a baby in the oven and hate the fact that i have to give birth. My boyfriend is a fault because he's male. on more i am an outside person my friend tim is a funny dill dip. Mr. craig is the best teacher for english. Nathan is a looking for love and i want missy to fall in love with him. now i don't have to worry about him taking a goat to the prom. he was ganna do it the were ganna pay for it. i wonder if phelps would of let him??? i'm sure the school board would of loved that. oh back to me i have animals, horses, i had cats but the always die, two dogs, cows, and an iggy. i am happy with life. img