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freshman year compiliation video ©

roll your mouse over stephens face to see the result of this picture

ok so its been a while, but im getting ANOTHER camera.. not that shitty video camera that i just bought 3 months ago, this one can put pics and video up on the internet so start lookin for some crazy shit comin soon

PAGE 1 - hanging around------------------------ PAGE 10 - halloween 1------------------------PAGE 19 - stuff from MGL

PAGE 2 - hanging around 2-----------------------PAGE 11 - halloween 2 and other pics------PAGE 20 - prom 03

PAGE 3 - the brendan files------------------------PAGE 12 - funny pics of troy passed out----PAGE 21 - the last cabin trip

PAGE 4 - hayden pi kappin it up-----------------PAGE 13 - another of hayden's rolls--------PAGE 22 - 2003 greek week and JMU stuff

PAGE 5 - just chillin---------------------------------PAGE 14 - some more of haydens film

PAGE 6 - hangin around more 3-----------------PAGE 15 - snow pictures

PAGE 7 - from 11/2 and 11/3---------------------PAGE 16 - 40s night in mgl

PAGE 8 - page 7 part 2----------------------------PAGE 17 - pre rock star party

PAGE 9 - Sams pics -------------------------------PAGE 18 - drinkin in the dorms


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