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Born in the 3rd Summer Night of the month of May 1973, in the capital city of India, I was called "Himadri". There was nothing to complain about it. Within a few years, when I was well established in this world, was joined by my little sister, Mam. Then on the world became a more enjoyable place to live in. For the next few years we played together, sometime beat her up, (and got bitten in exchange) .... in short, did whatever two little creatures could do.

My parents have been the most influential people in my life, and they stil are. They came from a generation who had seen those post independence and post division turbulent years. They had struggled and established themselves. And yet I had hardly seen them loose their sense of humor. I always listened to them with a kind of wonder when they talk about their native lands. All these conversations were saturated with love and passion, but underlying them was the pain of being uprooted. I remember those days when me and Mam used to capture one corner of my mother's sari, crying and begging her not to go to office and spend the day with us. It worked sometimes. I remember those early summer mornings when we all used to drive to the river Ganges (which is a few kilometers from our house) and had a splash. That reminded me of the "Pankhiraj" the name we gave to our car. We had to push and pull to get it going. We used to wash it every Sunday morning. That was a real fun. It looked so nice and bright after the wash. I also remember those beautiful winter mornings, when we three, my father, Mam and me cludded together inside one blanket, listening to stories from Ramayana or Mahabharata or Indian mythology from father. Later they introduced us the wonderful wealth of indian and european literature. I was not an exceptional student and I was never told to be first in the class. Education had a different meaning to them which is not measured by possition in the class or by money.

In meantime, I got past two big exams of the West Bengal Board. Although most of the credit must go to my school Ramakrishna Mission. The love, care and discipline we learnt and cherished remains a source of inspiration even today. To my most delight I found my name in the WB-JEE merit list, and it carried me to the famous Jadavpur University. It was a dream come true. And so it was for most of the classmates, and also for everybody around me. The next four years we remained soaked in that dream. But then suddenly it was time to go. All of us got scattered around the globe. I found myself in the CSE dept. of IIT Kanpur. I spent the next two years reading many interesting things and enjoying the splash of green around. That won me a job at the then Silicon Automation Systems at Bangalore. Life was quite peaceful. And boring. So one fine morning I decided to go back to academics, and enrolled for PhD programme with the Computer Science dept. of IIT Kharagpur.

IIT Kharagpur has given me the opertunity socialize and do things I wanted to do. The laughter and useless chats of Baikalik, a bengali organization here at Kgp has been such huge source of enjoyment. The B C Roy Hall and its life is like a oasis in midst of the otherwise confined life at Kharagpur. The SPICMACAY, IIT Kharagpur Subchapter is my effort put some `culture' into my own otherwise rustic nature.

All good times has its end. Finally I had to submit my PhD thesis on September 2004 and returned back to software industry with Interra Systems. With a job at hand, it was time to settle down and got married to Rinki on 6th Feb 2005. Although it was arranged, she is such a good friend, we took no time to fall in love.