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The Thomas Clarke Family History
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Clery or Cleary, (later Clarke or Clark) is one of the Gaelic Irish surnames which has kept the prefix O to some extent in modern times. O'Clery is O Cleirigh in Irish probably derived from the work Cleireach meaning a clerk or cleric.

The name itself means descendant of Cleireach, who was of the line of the famous Guaire the Hospitable, King of Connacht. Cleireach was born about the year 820 A.D. some two centuries before hereditary names began to be generally used.

That of O'Clery, however, was one of the earliest recorded surnames: it dates from the middle of the tenth century. The O'Clerys were the chief family in that part of the present Co. Galway which is covered by the diocese of Kilmacduagh, but their influence gradually declined and by the middle of the thirteenth century they had been driven out of their original territory and settled elsewhere.

By far the most important of these branches was that which domiciled in Counties Donegal and Derry: many of its members distinguished themselves as poets and antiquarians there.

Since the Plantation of Ulster in the seventeenth century, and the consequent anglicization of what was formerly the most Irish of the Four Provinces, the common English surname Clarke has been very widely substituted for O'Clery there, and also indeed elsewhere in Ireland. Without a reliable pedigree or at least a strong family tradition it is therefore impossible to say whether an Irish Clarke is an O'Clery in disguise or the descendant of an English settler; but it is probable that most of our Clarkes are in fact O'Clerys.

The branch which settled in Co. Cavan has almost disappeared (at least as Clery, though Clarke is fairly common to-day in Co. Cavan), but the third, which went to Co. Kilkenny, is still to be found in considerable numbers if not actually in Co. Kilkenny, in the adjacent counties of Tipperary and Waterford. Clery and Cleary are also found as variants of Clerkin (O Cleirchin) a sept located in the barony of Coshma, Co. Limerick.

Clarke, with an estimated population of over 14,000 persons comes as high as thirty-second in the list of the hundred commonest surnames in Ireland (this of course includes all persons of the name whether their origin be Irish or English). Clery (including Cleary, O'Clery and O'Cleary) musters some 5,000 persons.

The Clark name is of great antiquity. A Boniface Clericus and a Thomas leClerk appear in County Lincolnshire, England as early as 1273. It appears in 1379 in the Poll Tax for the West Riding of Yorkshire as Robertus Clarke. (Bardsley: Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames)

Clark is an English surname which derived from Latin "clericus', meaning a learned person, one who could in olden times read and write. Early forms of this name were Clerck, Clerk, leClerk, "the Clerk, ie. the clergyman, a clerk in holy orders', Clerke, Clark, and Clarke. The surname is now almost universally Clark or Clarke. The professional form adhering to clerk.

The following is a narration by family historian Norma Wilber Clark:

Family tradition tells that the Clarkes were at one time, Royalty in the Court of the King of England. Fact or Fiction?  We are told one of the Clarkes stole a horse or horses form the King’s stable, and thence were banished from the King’s court forever.  Who knows if this is true?  I ran across this article in a book of genealogies I read. (Whose title I neglected to write down.)  It could indicated the story is true,  I quote – “Nicholas Townley, third son of John Townley, Esq., who was born about 1400 in England, lived in the county of Polatine of Lanchaster – Married to Elizabeth Cotterall, daughter of Richard Cotterall, Esq., of Cotterall, relict of William Tempest, son of Roger Tempest, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Broughton.  Richard Townley, Esq., son of the reign of Henry VIII.  Richard’s wife was Margaret Clark, Daughter of John Clark of Wazley, by which Royalty came into the Townley family.

Thomas Clarke, the son of Thomas Clarke, was born 19 October 1820, in Worcestershire, England. (The village or parish may have been Downey).  He was classified a labourer, according to his application for marriage to Miss Esther Masters daughter of Benjamin Masters.  They were married, by bonns, 16 August 1841, in the Church of England, at Hanbury Parish, Worcestershire, England.  She was classified as a servant maid.  Three children were born to them in Hanbury Parish – George, Frederick and William.  The family move to Doderhill where Ellen and Emma were born.  We do not know what Thomas’ occupation was at this time, but perhaps he was a farmer.

Always seeking a better life for his family, they moved to Wales.  In 1856 they were living in Ponlypridde, Glamorgansire, S. Wales where Thomas was employed at the Rhondda Chemical Works.  John and Thomas were born to them in Wales.

On the 24th day of February, 1857 they took passage on the ship “Abner Nelson” at Liverpool, England bound for New Orleans, Louisiana, in America.  They were to furnish only beds, bedding and mess utensils,  The cost was L35.00 From New Orleans they went to Kentucky settling on Cave Creek near Greenwood in Pulaski County.  Why they came to this part of America is not known.  Perhaps they had friends there or relatives.  Thomas stated as his reason for coming to America – to give his family the advantages offered by the institutions of a free country.

Cave Cree is located 5 to 6 miles north of Greenwood, Kentucky.  The old home site was within the Hail Quadrangle of Pulaski County.  This area is now the Daniel Boone Nation Park.  Right at Cave Creek there is a Top Clark Hollow

Thomas Clark was a farmer in Kentucky.  Their last three children where born at Cave Creek – Sarah, Lucy and McClellan.  When the Civil War broke out, the three oldest boys enliste in the cause for the North.  Perhaps this caused discord with their neighbors, at any rate they left Kentucky and went to Illinois in 1866, settling in Edgar County.  Thomas became a naturalized citizen, February 25, 1869, at Paris, Edgar County, Illinois.  They moved once again in 1881, coming to Kansas and settling in the Summit Community of Marion County.  Their home place was a little over two miles north of the Summit Church.

According to the 1870 census records, Thomas and Esther and family were living at Bloomfield Post Office, County of Edgar, Illinois.  Thomas was listed as a farm laborer – Emma, at age 20, was a domestic servant – John and Thomas were farm workers – Sarah and Lucy were in school – and Mas was home only six years of age. Living with them was – Enos B. Conors, age 30, also a farm worker and Ellen (Clark) Conors, his wife age 23.  What ever happened to this man?  Ellen later married Wesley Stepleton.

Thomas and Esther were members of the United Brethren Church in the Summit Community.  Esther was call Hester by all the Family, indeed that was thought to be her name.  The descendents of these two are many and not all are known to this writer at this time.  Thomas died in 1905 and his wife, Esther(Hester) died in 1910.  Both are buried in Summit Cemetery, Marion County, Kansas.

A family story told about when they were crossing the ocean coming to this country.  Thomas had his sons chew tobacco and the girls smoke pipes to prevent sea-sickness.  Ellen never gave up the habit of smoking a pipe.  It was a constant source of embarrassment to her husband in later years.  When they took train trips to visit relatives, he would make her to out on the observation platform to smoke.

Another story told was abut Hester.  As she was working in her kitchen one day (some say in Kansas) she turned to see and Indian standing in the door of their cabin.  She grabbed the gun and shot him and the children dove under the table.

End of Narration.

The following Family Genealogy is a History of the known descendants of Thomas Clarke and his beloved wife, Esther Masters Clarke, from whom this Family Tree, begins:  We, who have thus descended from the sons and daughters of Thomas and Esther Clarke, gratefully accept the trust of our heritage, by passing down to our own children the legacy of a proud and bold blood line from those that preceded us, and those who follow in the years ahead, shall continue to take great pride in this legacy and that GOD in HIS MERCY shall bestow HIS BLESSING, upon all the children who will look with love at their illustrious forebears, Thomas & Esther Clarke.

A word of thanks to Lola Young Clark, who has worked so hard and faithfully to bring to life this labor of love, a devotion that has greatly impaired the eyesight of this grand Lady in her diligence, in assembling the hundreds of factual data answers, so necessary in The Family Tree, history. 

Thomas Clarke was born October 19, 1820, at Worcestershire, England. Esther Masters, was born November 15, 1820, at Worcestershire, England, and was the daughter of Benjamin Masters, she married Thomas Clarke on August 16, 1840, in the district of Hanbury, Worcestershire County, England. The rites and ceremonies of the Church of England, prevailing with Rector W. Vernon officiating, the foregoing was taken frau the official Book of Records, and the Registrar Diana M. Pickles, as dated in her office March 28, 1980. There were 6 sons and 4 daughters from this union of hearts, as follows:


I. George Walter, born, Worcestershire, England (Village of Downey) .I.C

2. Fredrick, born July 10, 1843, Hanbury, England.

3. William Alexander, born August 8, 1845, Hanbury, England.

4. Ellen, bo rn 1847, Hanbury, England. ~

5. Emma, born February 2, 1850, Dodderhill, Hanbury, England.

6. Thomas Jr., born April 14, 1854, in South Wales, England.

7. Twins, John and

8. Lucy born in 1856, in South Wales, England.

9. Sarah Sallie, born thought to be at Cave Creek, Kentucky In 1857.

10. McClellan Colombus, born in 1864, at Cave Creek, Kentucky

***. Thomas Clarke died in Marion County, Kansas, November 26, 1905. Esther Masters Clarke died, December 19, 1910, both are buried in the beautiful Summit Cemetery, which is located about 8 miles south, 3 miles west of Florence, Kansas, or 3 miles north, and 3 miles west of Burns, Kansas. Both cities are in Marion, County. Vital Statistics, Military service as is known of the brothers and sisters follows:

1. George W. was in service to the government of Queen Victoria of England when in 1860, the Queen granted Walter, permission to leave Paris, Franceso he could join his parents, in America. George W. met and married Mary Jane Freeman, March 3, 1861, at Somerset, Kentucky. Eventually George became a Lieutenant in the 1st Cavalry Revolution Volunteers of Kentucky. To date there is no record of any children, born to George and Mary Jane. There are no dates as to when George Walter Clarke died, but he lived for several years at Mooresville, Indiana, and is buried there. Mary Jane Clarke, is believed to be buried at the Blue John Salem Church Cemetery, in South Pulaski County or at the Greenwood Cemetery, close by.

2. Fredrick married Lourverne Jane Freeman, February 26, 1865, Lourverne was born in February 1848 and they were the parents of :

   1. Ellen Anjabine, born May 29,1866,in Ill. Died 9-25-1879,in Florence, Kan.

   2. Susan Catherine, born in Illinois, and died in her infancy.

   3. A foster son Arthur R. Clark, married a Katherine Ledbetter, no other.  Information is known at the present time, any data from any Clark member about Arthur and Katherine Clark will be most helpful.

***. Lourverne Jane Clark ,died February 26, 1926, buried in Summit Cemetery, Burn, Kansas.  Presently no death date and burial site for Fredrick?? Help!

3.  William Alexander, born August 8, 1845, and was first married to Beth Sada Roberts, exact date presently unknown. Beth Sada, born April 3, 1841.

The children of this union are :


       1. Henry Thomas, born October 1, 1865.

       2. Margaret Angeline, born June II, 1867.

       3. Granvil Grant, born December 1, 1868.

       4. Twins, John, and

       5. Lucy Matilda, born July 8, 1871.

       6. Sarah Isabelle, born October 17, 1873.

       7. William, born November 23, 1875.

       8. Mary Clementine, born July 29, 1879.  


4. Ellen, born 1847, married Wesley L. Stepelton, who was born in 1845, he   served with Company A, 3rd Indiana Cavalry, Civil War. We need help in more information about this splendid couple. Children, dates of death,  burial sites, etc. We do know that Ellen and Wesley were the parents of these children.


        1. Charles, born?

        2. Stella, born? Did marry Fred Collier, When?

        3. Fred, born?

        4. Clarence, married Clara Swisher, January 1907. No other data.

        5. Ernest, born?

        6. Twins, Inez, and

        7. Algie, no other data


***. Ellen and Wesley Stepelton are buried in the Summit Cemetery, Burns, Kansas.  

5. Emma, born February 2, 1850, married Edward Hoops, in 1882. Emma died May 15, 1906. No children. No data on Edward Hoops, on death or burial.  

6. Thomas Jr. born April 14, 1854, married Helen Sylvia Millener, who was born October 7, 1857 and were the parents of these children:


        1. Fredrick H., born about 1881.

        2. Harry M. born February 6, 1883 and died September 8, 1946. He married

            Mary Larsen. Harry is buried in Summit Cemetery, Florence, Kansas.

        3. Clarence Austin, born about 1885.  

        4. Maurice E., born March 1887.

        5. Earl T., no birth date, died August 2, 1935.

        6. Dena S., born October 4, 1893. Died?

        7. Zella May, born about 1905, died October 12, 1917. 

7. John, a twin with Lucy, born in 1856, month and day not presently known.   John's wife Lucy, surname not known, are the parents of these children:


1.    Ivan

2.    Ollis

3.    Myron

4.    George W.

5.    Florence

6.      Helen.


This family lived between 1915...1920 at Terre Haute, Indiana, and  this is all the

 data known of them, can any member fill in the missing information.


8. Lucy, the twin of John, married Walter Horsley, lived in California during

    1932 with their children:

            1.    Gertrude

                2.    Ella

                3.    Edward,

                4.    Gracie

                   5.      Virginia. We have no further information. HELP??

9. Sarah Sallie was born in 1857, thought to have been at Cave Creek, Ky.  Sarah was wedded to John W. Kelsheimer, born in 1856, their birth dates and the marriage date unknown. Before the marriage to John, a son, Ira Clark was born, not much is known about his later life, such as marriage, children, death and burial site. Sarah Sallie and John W., had the following children:

                         1.    Clarice Agnes

              2.    Blanche

                      3.      Mack the 4th and 5th known born to this couple are not available to

                                list. We hope one of our family can clear up the  issing  data  about 
                                the children, and also the birth dates and marriage date of Sarah

                                and John W. The death date of Sarah. John W. Kelsheimer, died in 

                                November 929, Sarah and John are at rest in the Summit
                                Cemetery, Burns,

10. McClellan Colombus, born January 26, 1864 at cave Creek, Kentucky. He and Clarice Mary Herbert married December 18, 1883, Clarice was born March 14, 1868 in LLAN GUYN , England, she died June 27, 1944. McClellan , no information on his death, both are believed buried in the Summit Cemetery. Their children are:


1. Nellie B., born August 28, 1884, in Marion County, Kansas.  Dear little Nellie,

    died April 28, 1885, and interred in the Whitewater Cemetery, Burns, Kansas.  

2. A still birth.  

3. William Herbert, born June 10, 1887, in Marion County, Kansas.   He died April

   24, 1965, he rests in Summi t Cemetery, Burns, Kansas.

4. A still birth.  

5. George Harrison, born October 22, 1892, it was reported in May of 1980, he 

    is living alone at Burns, Kansas.  

6. A still birth.  

7. Twins, born February 7, 1895, in Marion County, Kansas, Hester Elizabeth,

   was the lone survivor, as her twin sister died the day of birth. Hester Elizabeth

   died November 5,1977. Summit cemetery burial.

Thus we came to the end of the 6 sons and 4 daughters, and their children as isknown, a close reading of this material will hopefully start someone to look in the family bibles, or long forgotten letters to fill many spaces so vital in this study of Thomas and Esther Masters Clarke and their heirs. As all things have a beginning, so also, they have an ending, in the 140 yearssince Thomas and Esther Clark established a life together, we the living descendents have learned many of the finer lineage characteristics so very important as to who we are and the roots from which we sprang. The cycle we are a part of today effectuates our lives through the fulfillment of God's Law to procreate and perpetuate the human species, in doing so we must follow the intricate roots of our Genealogy Family Tree and its myriad off shoots, that allows us to be witness to the amazing growth through the sons and daughters and their compassionate mates as devolved from our beloved William Alexander Clark, and his mate, Beth Sada Roberts Clark, nourishing his sustenance in the dreams he envisaged for his own and those that would desend later to carry on and carry high the Emblem for posterity, till the end of time.  


William Alexander Clark, born August 8, 1845. Died March 3, 1907. Burial, Blue John Cemetery, near Greenwood, Ky. Pulaski, Co. W.A. Was a Pvt. Col. lst. Kentucky Cavalry, {Civil War) .He and BethSada Roberts were married at Somerset, Ky. She was born April 3, 1841, Died September 2, 1897. Rests at Paint Rock Cemetery, Oneida, TN. The children born from this union are:  


           1. Henry Thomas, born October 1, 1865. Died Sept. 14, 1948.  Henry Thomas,

              married Mattie Shelton, date unknown, Mattie was born 4-7-1867 Died June

              4, 1910. Children from this union are :  

        1. James Oscar, born July 20, 1892. Died February I, 1953.           

        2. Charles H., born August 23, 1894. Died August 14, 1947.

        3. Whalen Hobert, born November 2, 1896. Died December 28, 1936.

        4. Della Mae, born February 14, 1901. Lives in Johnston City, Illinois.

        5. Mabel Hester, born January 10,1908. Died July 27, 1910.

        6. Willie, born and died shortly after birth, in 1912.   

2. Margaret Angeline, born June 11, 1867. Died Dec. 4, 1963.  Margaret Angeline, born June 11, 1867, was married first to Elijah Hall, Children:

1. Thomas, born December 17, 1888, he was married and several children were born. Names of his wife and their children are awaiting reports, also any grandchildren. Thcmas died and is resting in Holloway Cemetery, near Whitley City, Kentucky.

2. John Hall, born March 17, 1890. Died March 7, 1975. Rests at Stearns,   Ky. Cemetery. John married Stella Clifton, date unknown, they lived for years in Stearns,Ky. There are several children and grandchildren, awaiting more information.

3. Effie Hall, born April 22, 1894, later married Gilbert Boyer and resided in Stearns. There were several children and grandchildren, still waiting a full accounting for names, births, marriages and deaths. Dear Effie, still lives in Stearns, a widow now that Gilbert Boyer has passed on and he rests at Stearns Cemetery. Dear Aunt Mag eventually separated from Elijah Hall, and married Silas Vaughn , no children came from this union .

***Obituary: Margaret Angeline Vaughn died December 4, 1963.

3.  Granvil Grant Clark, born December I, 1868, later married Ellen Barnett. No date of this marriage available yet. Ellen was born October 26,1867. Obituary: Granvil Grant Clark, was called to leave us March 31,1948.  Ellen Barnett Clark, went to make a place for Husband Grant, March 12, 1930. They rest at Greenwood Cemetery, Greenwood , Kentucky.  (The lineage of the Granvil Grant Clark are documented at the end of this document.)

4. John Clark, born July 8, 1871 Died Dec. 4, 1950., and the twin of Lucy Matilda. John married Nancy w. Phillips, date of the marriage not known. Nancy was born April 3,1873. Their ch11dren:

1.      John Lester, born December 19, 1895. Died May 6, 1936 in Oakdale, TN nd is buried in Belleview cemetery in Danville, Ky.  

2. Morna Clark, born August 20, 1898, first married to Amon Reed, marriage

date not yet available, to this union, two daughters were born:

1.      Vivian Bertha, born September 6, 1915, who eventually married a Mr. Wilson.

2.      Ruthanne, born April 7, 1918, who later married a Mr. Davis and still later a Mr. Louis. Morna Rester Reed and Amon Reed separated, then Morna married Burt Spice. No children fram this last marriage. Mr. Spice died sometime later, no details. Mrs. Morna Spice resides in Danville, Kentucky.  

                   3. Winford Chester Clark, born June 4, 1902 and later wed his wife 

                      Opal, who  was  born in Minneapolis, Minn. They also reside in Danville, 


                  4. William Letcher Clark, born February 7, 1906, he married his wife                             Agnes, who was born in Duluth, Minn. No marriage date at present. 

                       Letcher  and Agnes, reside in Glendora, California. No report of children.


5. Lucy Matilda (Uncle John's twin) born July 8, 1871 married James Phillips,  we have

    no  report of any children from this union, Aunt Lucy died April 28, 1938. No  

    information as yet on Uncle John-Aunt Nancy burial sites, or Aunt  Lucy and Uncle

    James Phillips, burial locations, lacking reports of death dates and children, Please

    clarify. Uncle John died December 4, 1956 -Aunt Nancy died April 20, 1908.  


6. Sarah Isabelle, born October 17, 1873, and at age 17, married  Freeman Sexton,

    in 1890. Freeman was born in Huntsville, TN. around 1870. They were married at

  Somerset, Kentucky. Their children:  

1. A still born. In 1892.

2. A still born. In 1894.

3.      Elmer, born March 28, 1897.  Elmer, served many years in the U.S. Army, and married Ruth Johnstone a native of Patterson, N.J. in the early 1920's, their children:  

1. Laura Belle.

2. Elmer Jr.

3. Ruth May

I am awaiting reports from their homes in California, for exact dates of their birthdays, marriages and children, when this information is known an addendum will be reprinted to this appendix.

***Obituary: Elmer Sr. died February 25, 1957, and interred in the Oakdale Cemetery, Glendora, California.

***Ruth Sexton, was killed in a auto accident, December 21, 1978, in California and is buried at the Oakdale Cemetery, Glendora, CA.


                         4. Sadie S., born November 21, 1899. Sadie S. married Vergil
                              Vandever Cargile, in June of 1917, at Johns, Ala. There were

                               no children. A 54th wedding anniversary was held in 1971. Vergil

                         Cargile, died February 23, 1972, and is resting at Elmwood
Birmingham, Ala. Sadie Cargile lives in the West End
                              Section of
Birmingham, Ala


                         5. Sibyl, born July I, 1901. Sibyl. S. left Alabama to stay with     

                              her brother  Elmer in Clifton, N.J. in the 1930's, and eventually

                              married Michael J. Condon, .in August of 1937. Their only child,

                              Michael Jr., was born in January, 1939. Mike Sr. died in July

                              1974, in Clifton, N.J. and is buried there. Sibyl and her son reside
                              in Clifton, N.J.  


                        6. Paul, born 1903, and died in early infancy.  


               7. William, born 1905, and died in early infancy.


               8. John Winford, born September 21, 1907. John Winford, married                            Margaret O'Brien, September 28, 1929, in Buffalo, N.Y. Margaret

           Was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, September 23, 1907. A 50th

           wedding  anniversary was celebrated September 28, 1979, at

           Green lake, in  Caledonia, Michigan. Our children:  


                                     1. John Winford Jr., born May 22, 1930. John Jr. married 

                                         Joan Burkehardt, in Buffalo, N.Y.,August 16,1954. 

                                         Joan was born in Buffalo, N.Y. Exact date not known.

                                         Their children:

            1. Kimm Jeffery, born July 29, 1956. Kimm

                recently discharged from the Air Force, serving

                 full 4 years.

            2. Michael, born April, 1958. Michael, married his

                school sweetheart, and they have two children.

                Michael also served 4 years'inthe Air Fbrce, and
                discharged in  August 1980.

            3. Scott Wesley, born February 28, 1961. Scott

                Wesley, graduated from High School in June 1978.

                                      2. Donald Freeman, married Lois Hill, a native of Buffalo,

                                          N.Y. Their children:


1. Donald R., born July 30, 1955. Donald R. married

  Katherine' Opalka, May 16, 1978, in Lockport

   N.Y. A daughter, Jennifer, blessed this marriage on

    May 23,1979.  

2. Steven, born January 3, 1957. Steven, married

    Laurie Jadderman, August 16, 1980  

3. Douglas, born January 7, 1961. Douglas, is

  serving in   the Air Fbrce, beginning service in 

    July 1980.

                                              Donald F. Sexton and Lois Hill Sexton separated

                                                 in 1971. Marge Johnson and Don married January

                                                 12, 1980 in Lockport, N.Y.


         3. William R. Sexton married Margo Chapman, in

             Newport, Virginia, March 1960. Margo was born in

             Oxnard, Calif. 1938.  Their children:  

                                             1. Jeffery Lee, born January 18, 1962. Navel Base

                                                  Hospital, Va.

       2. Kappilani Ann, born February 12, 1964, in Hawaii.

       3. Robert Stuart, born March 14, 1969, in Hawaii.


    **. William and Margo divorced in 1975. William remarried, 

      Evelyn Cobb, in 1977, in San Diego, Calif.  

                                          ** Bill retired from the Navy after 23 years service, as top 

                                               grade Chief Petty Officer.  

         4. Beverly J. Sexton, was married to Kendall Henry Mead, 

             June15, 1957 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Their children:  

                                              1. Renee J. Mead, born October 2, 1958. Renee Mead 

                                                  married  Kenneth Oesch, pronounced (ERSH)
                                                  May 13,
1978, Grand Rapids, Michigan.  

        2. Dennis K., born June 5, 1961.  

        3. Kendall H. Jr., born September 20, 1967.  

        4. Shannon Lynne, born May 29 , 1972 

                 5. Margaret Ann, born September II, 1943, and JESUS

                      wanted her with HIM on January 27, 1944.


7. William Alexander Clark Jr., born November 23, 1875, became wedded to Laura Flynn, we have no idea the ages of William and Laura Clark, when the marriage took place, their deaths, burial sites and the year of their passing. Also, there is reason according to same sources, that children blessed this family, so far all leads came to a blank wall.


8. Mary Clementine Clark, born July 29, 1879, was the last child of W.A. and Beth Sada Roberts Clark. Mary married Walter Patrick Flynn, we cannot confirm the marriage date, they were parents of:  


1. Pauline Patrick, born March 15, 1903.

2. Beulah, born January 26, 1905.

3. Ellis, born May 19, 1910.

4. Twins, born May 4, 1916, we need help to clarify for this record the full name

  of the twins, and the sex of them .

6. Mary Katherine, born May 20, 1919 We have nothing about marriages,

  mates, children, deaths or burial sites, of Mary's and Walter Flynn's children.  


***. We need help to know Mary Clementine and Walter Patrick's deaths, dates and Walter's birth date. We welcome any added facts of any member in this treatsie, or correct statements thought to be accurate, all your help is needed. 


I have volunteered to help Lola in this work of love, simply because Lola has too much eye strain and must be careful, of her eyes. After a brief visit to Lola Clark's home last May, 1980, I decided to help this dear lady out, and because of my own work that had to be done around our Mobile Home, I just did not have the time to gather much vital information, from my own efforts, when more factual news is available, to complete once and for all, this work, new printing will follow to correct and add to what has been printed. we are waiting for your help, do you have it??????


At the beginning of this second phase it mentioned that W.A. Clark, first married Beth Sada Roberts, however in 1889 William A. Clark married Bernette Holloway, who was born February 6, 1865. Their children of this marriage are: 


1. Brady Clark, born 1889. He later married Maggie Lewis.

2. Emma, born 1892. She married Robert Smith.

3. Ethyl, born January 26, 1894, Died May 22, 1965. She married  Marion

   Marcellus Haynes. He was born February 14, 1874, Died October 15, 

   Burials are at Greenwood, Ky.

4. Allie, born 1898. Married John Day.

5. Paul, born 1902. Died 1978.

6. Silas, born 1905. Married Lady Janet an English Titled Lady.

    Silas, served a number of years in the US Navy.


 The Family of Granvil Grant and Ellen Barnett Clark continues:  


1. Arthur Glen, born March 12, 1891, married Lola Young, August 25, 1915.  Lola was

    born March 20, 1902, the daughter of Eli and Polly Young Lola's parents are buried at

    Green, Kentucky.   The children of Arthur and Lola are:


1. Mirwin Raymond, born April 25, 1917. Mirwin Raymond died September

    20,1976. He married Edna Mae Hopper, May 11, 1946 Edna was born in

    1918. Mirwin and Edna were the parents of Glenn Grail, born January 21,

    1954, Glenn Grail married Judy Carol New, June 10,1975, she, was born

    May 20, 1957. Judy's parents are, Coy and Irma New.  

          2. Adaline Clark, born June 14, 1921, who later married Frank E. Dills, May

             6, 1945 in Las Vegas, Nev. Frank Dills was born, November 7, 1921. Frank

             and  Adaline are the parents of:  

       1. Gary Eugene Dills, born February 15,1946.  

   2. Lynett Sue, born January 17, 1947, who later married William Dent, 

      May 4,1974, William was born July 16,1939. William and Lynett Dent

      have a son, Jeffery William, born June 18, 1975.  Lola's daughter, 

      Adaline  Dills lives in Sylmar, Calif. with husband, Frank.


2. Leslie Gordon, born September 13, 1892, and married Fannie Combs, born 1907. 

   Their children:


1. Leslie G. Jr., born August 9,1934.

2. Margie, born July 9, 1939. Who later married Otis Stanifer, born

   December 16, 1938. They are the parents of:  

1. Gary Stanifer, born September 19, 1956.

2. Teresa, born May 13,1962.

3. A foster child, Pauline Wilson, age and other data not known.


3. Clyde Earl, born January 26, 1894, married Emma Helton, November 18, 1916.

    Emma, born April 12, 1898, their children are:


                            1. Roy, born April 26, 1917.

         2. Coy Buford, January 8, 1920.

         3. Virginia, 1922 died at birth.

         4.   Twins, Helen and 5, Ruth, died in their infancy.    


4. Barney Oral, born February 27, 1896, and married Dora Mae Young, 1920 at

    Huntsville, Tenn. Dora Mae is a sister of dear Lola Young Clark. Dora Mae, born

    December 25, 1905, Died August 12, 1971. Their children:


1. Newman Holt, born May 1, 1923.

2. Glenn Earl, born December 30, 1925.

3. Ray Lowell, born October 4, 1931.

4. Oral Louis, born October 24,1933.

5. Kenneth Ronald, born August 23,1935.        

6. LaVonne, born December 22, 1937.

7. Ralph Landon, born April 3, 1940.

8. Barney Jr., July 19, 1942 (still born).

9. James,Edward, born January 4,1943.


When more information about marriages and births are known of the 8 living children of Barney and Dora Mae, more can be printed.


5. T.R.(Teddy), was born Apri1 13, 1898, he married Iona Brown, December 19, 1920.

    Their Children:  

                 1.      T. R. Jr., born October 13, 1921


        2.      Virgil David, born January 9, 1925.  Both children born at Lothair

              Ky. We need more data of marriages, children etc.  Can this be

              forthcoming?  Teddy and Iona live in Burnside, Kentucky, a short 

              distance south of Somerset,  Kentucky.


6. Artman Clark, born May 8, 1903, and went to JESUS, December 2, 1904.


7. Archie Heron, born March 21, 1905, and died from a gun shot that was purely

    accidental in 1926. It was self-inflicted.


8. Melvin Darwin, born June 14, 1908, he later married Elsie Denney, a school instructor, in 1934. Elsie was born February 2, 1912.  Their children:


        1.    Donald Denney Clark, born December 14, 1935.

        2. James Thomas Clark, born June 9, 1940 and married Marion Canaday

          Born Aug. 5, 1942 They were married Apr 4 1964.  Their children are: 


                                        1.      Matthew Casey Clark born August 1, 1969.

                      2.      Amber Laine Clark born August 26, 1971.  


        3.      Sandra Ellen Clark Yebba, born January 30, 1949.


          Melvin Darwin and Elsie lived in Zephyr Hills, Florida and later in

          Fayetteville Georgia.


9. Dear little Clarice Mary, the only daughter of Uncle Grant and Aunt EllenClark, and

  their last child was born September 13, 1913, and was called to JESUS August I, 1915.

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