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Gisele LeBlanc is an Holistic Practitioner working and teaching in beautiful Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. As an Holistic Practitioner, Gisele combines CranioSacral Therapy with Reiki, bringing about a powerful and effective method of assisting people in their healing. Clients experience immediate results from these healing sessions, walking away with a new sense of well-being and energy. Her sessions can often include working with Chakras, crystals and dreams. Gisele's compassionate touch also extends to treating patients in hospital recovery rooms and ICUs. Gisele has appeared several times on Global TV and local radio stations promoting self healing through holistic health care. As a Reiki Master/Teacher, Gisele offers workshops in the Usui Method of Natural Healing, bringing to her classes a wealth of practical, hands-on experience, as well as a lively and energetic teaching style. Recently Gisele journeyed for a month and a half to Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain upgrading her skills with the Pharonic Pendulum, performing healing sessions on clients and just plain having fun! Follow the links below for some pretty neat pictures of her adventure. * * * * * (Latest update August 1, 2007)

CranioSacral Therapy
Reiki Training and Certification
Beth's Story! A story of triumph in the face of adversity!
Prayer Packs a Powerful Punch!
Contact Info
My great 2005 Middle East adventure - Part 1!!!
My great 200 Middle East adventure - Part 2!!!
