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Girideepam Bethany English High School

Name : Sumitha John

Current Address:

6565 McCallum Blvd Apt#218
Dallas, TX 75252

Phone: 972-407-0463

Mobile : 214-675-5987

Permanent Address:

pachikara house
s.h. mount . p .o


I am Sumitha John, currently single, settled in Texas, USA. How I reached in this part of the world is a very small story. I did my Plus2 in Sacred Hearts (SHY), Yercaud, Salem. After which I joined Karunya Enginnering college in Coimbatore, which i did finish only my first year, as my parents thought it would be better for me to continue my studies in States and also my mom's family is up here. Continued my enginnering degree for two more years and found out that it was not, what I wanted to do, so changed my major to accounting, do something interesting with numbers. Presently, I am working in the accounting depatment of a company, and studying, will be finishing soon.

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