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Going Crazy looking for web hosting HELLO, feeling hungry?
Doritos, tortillas topped with a genorous helping
of my special peccadillo sauce served regularly here.
FOC, help youself!

Florinixes your Humble Chef/Waitress/Keeper of le Weirde
beckons you to stay a while.
For sanity's sake Flo for short will do.

la plat du jour

How did i get my name, you may ask? Well, it's a combination of
Florence and Polinixes from one of our dear old Shakespeare's
plays.Very Very Old.
Do I like him then? For making my lit lessons less
interessant than watching soup congeal-not very much
Right now, let me share with you something: looking for web hosting is mind-numbingly EXASPERATING!

Disclaimer: author does not guarantee fun.

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Drool-worthy mud
Great advice on all ya need
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Tres bonne authors, ooh la la!