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The Druid Cottage
Our Site






Cywry and Jornel's Homesite

Enter, Friend, and Be Welcome!

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Update: Nov 2, 2008

I've been continuing the art lessons (painting with acrylics), and I'm improving. Cywry and I are having a bit of fun learning Gaelic on the BBC NI site. Games-wise we both keep playing HOMM/WoG even though we have Heroes V.

I still think about the MUD from time to time; and wonder if there will be any room for MUDs in the long-term future since eveything is a MMORPG these days.

That's all for now, 'til next time.

Update: Aug 4, 2006

My birthday present was art lessons (painting), and I really learned a lot. Thanks, Cywry!

We both upgraded our computers so they can play Heroes V. Its a very nice game, we are still discovering new things every time we play. We also bought the (first?) expansion, Hammers of Fate.

These days I'm trying out games that run on Ubuntu. I'm currently trying to get Regnum Online working, they have a Linux version but it doesn't yet recognize my nvidia card. For now I am playing the Windows version. It's not bad, once you get the hang of moving around and finding the quests. Most quests are of the form: talk to this person, go to this location, kill N monsters of this type. etc. The 3D environment is gorgeous, and the world seems very large. If you run into me, say hi!

Update: Dec 5, 2006

Since Jornel taught me a little about working on this website - now I can add in a few things myself!

Today is Jornel's Birthday!! A very special day indeed. We will celebrate the evening in a very fine restaurant, partake of a bottle of fine wine, and enjoy one another's company. Jornel will have quite a surprise birthday gift, and I hope he will like it as much as I imagine he may.

For my part, today I joined a course in Irish dancing - hopefully it will go well.

Update: Dec 3, 2006

Cywry has joined a local writer's group and is polishing some old stories. Those which are fantasy-related could find their way onto this site. I haven't had much time for new games. Recently I've been working on making websites for family and friends which has helped me brush up my rusty web/html skills - gosh a lot has changed just since this site was started!

Update: Jul 6, 2006

Heroes 5 is out, but to us its a big disappointment, it doesn't run on either of our machines... I feel so obsolete!

Update: May 24, 2006

I've been trying out Eternal Lands, I like their economic/manufacturing system. For my web gaming fix, I like Tradewinds Legend. Cywry remains a serious Heroes 3.5 (WOG) addict. :)

Update: Dec 29, 2005

We're mostly playing a lot of Heroes 3 lately, looking forward to Heroes 5 coming out soon.

Update: Sep 8, 2005

Another 6 months has gone by. The MUD is closed, we're not sure what if anything to do about it. I left a present on the Games page for my son who is overseas.

Update: Feb 28, 2005

The pace of events in the real world have picked up greatly this past week. I'm starting a new job, and I'm really looking forward to it.

While discussing the future of the MUD with Cywry, we came up with many ideas - all of which require coding. Cywry expressed an interest in learning how to code. Despite the many resources on the web for teaching the syntax of SMAUG build commands (here or especially here), I haven't found any good resource that teaches the thinking that happens before we code (design), nor any that show how we approach problems involving code in the first place (analysis, methodology). Such big and proper concepts are normally taught in computer science courses, but even to me it seems to be a bit of overkill to require her to learn it 'just' to be able to add a few things to the game. Time will tell...

Update: Dec 17, 2004

Its that time of the year again: we finished putting up our tree last night. Cywry likes to sit in the living room with all the lights off except for the tree and to just stare at it. Still, it is a pretty tree.

Update: Oct 28, 2004

Although we haven't been on much lately (apologies to all who missed us) we see that several old friends have been on to visit. Perhaps this is a time to see whether the game can grow on its own or not - do we have to do EVERYTHING?!? :)

Update: May 24, 2004

A really big week. Two players successfully completed their level 20 quests, Tajien became a Druid, and Saris became our First Bard. The Irvallen Fairgrounds was also finally installed. Gee, when it rains it really pours. Cywry and I are re-finding our inspiration for building again; and it feels good!

Update: Mar 19, 2004

Still all quiet on the mud front. None of us have been building lately, too much is happening in real life, who has time?

Update: Dec 12, 2003

Many changes on the mud lately. Darkenvai's life got really busy, we seldom see him on the mud. What will the future hold? This is a time for reflection.

Update: Aug 1, 2003

Gosh, where does the time go? We've had a few more players become 'First's. Each one who does so is sent on a quest made up by the three of us immortals. I'm just glad to see all that creativity isn't wasted. Most of the mobs and rooms made for quests get left in. This way our world keep growing bit by bit.

Update: May 23, 2003

The mud has been growing, with new players almost every day now. We were picked Mud of the Month for May by Kyndig. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise. I think that may have something to do with the increase in our pbase.

Update: March 28, 2003

Cywry and Darkenvai wrote stories that were picked as 1st and 2nd runners-up in Mud Con II's Master Storyteller contest. The prizes for each of the top three stories was a month's free advertizing on Mud Planet so all of a sudden I had to come up with a banner ad real quick!(see the bottom of our Links page to see how I did).

Since they both won it will be interesting to see if we get two months of one ad, or one month of two ads, or... You can read Cywry and Darkenvai's stories on The Crimson Marches website, just click under Stories.

Update: January 18, 2003

Other firsts since the last update are: first cleric Aeromus, first barbarian Kaos, first knight Kenjiro.

Recent game changes:

-We have a installed a version of the undertaker snippet written by Samson.
-The newbie 'dungeon' area now has a second floor.
-Gorgophone, Gerolf's Isle, Geltrin Forest are all in.

Update: October 3, 2002

Landor is the first player to become a ranger. There were a few coughs and hiccups from the mud when he did it, but after some quick fixes all seems to be working fine now. New areas on the way: Cywry, Darkenvai, and I are racing to see which one of us will finish their new area first. Of course first does not always mean best, but hey - first is first!

Update: September 25, 2002

We made it into the top 100 sites on Top Mud Sites! Help us grow by clicking here and then entering their site. Its completely anonymous, and you help attract new players to the MUD. Maximum one vote per person every 12 hours.

Update: September 12, 2002

Special offer on the mud! (telnet:// At level 5, you may ask for one free personalized restring! This is intended to promote roleplay and to help "flesh out" your character. You need to:

a) write your description of your character (what the game shows when someone looks at you)

b) write a brief bio (when someone does a WHOIS on you)

c) write a 2 or 3 line description of the object (item or article of clothing).

The object cannot have any combat value, it is there simply for "color". The usual restrictions apply - we reserve the right to veto inappropriate objects or descriptions, etc, etc.

Update: August 12, 2002

A lot of changes this month: most of the new map is installed into the game (except for the old shops, they will be moved soon enough. We are now listed in mudconnector and topmudsites. Vote for us by visiting our website and clicking VOTE. Expect to see more stories soon...

Update: July 20, 2002

I added a full ascii map of the City of Crimson. Expect the locations of shops and other useful places to be added to it.

Update: July 13, 2002

Crimson Marches is now back online under a new URL: telnet:// See you there :)

Update: July 8, 2002

Cywry's second story (The Oak Grove) is now online. Have a look at the Stories page.

Update: July 1, 2002

New stories section! Well, okay, so there's only one story so far... Hang on, we promise it will grow like a patch of wild mushrooms after a rainshower!

Update: June 27, 2002

Crimson MUD is down for the moment, so you'll just have to be patient like we are. The links to "Play" are temporarily disabled, but I am leaving them in until we know one way or another what is happening.

For those who are curious about playing a MUD, or who would like to get a 'feel' of it, try out Jewel of Jeopardy, my own homebuilt MUD.

Who are we?

We both are busy immortals in a MUD called The Crimson Marches. You can see the webpage or even play the game using the links on the left. If you are using telnet, be sure to set "Local Echo" in your Preferences. Or, like us you may prefer to use a MUD client that supports colour.

Cywry has a medium-to-high-level area installed called The Arboretum. Its full of lovely plants that really love to have visitors! (Don't tell Darkenvai we told you, but its in the south part of The Garden Grown Wild SHHH!)

Jornel has a low-to-medium-level area installed called The Orc Fort. There are lots of secrets hidden there, but try not to become arrow-bait with the hidden archers! Some say there is a way to get in, get the treasure, and get back out again - all without confronting any of the fort's agressive residents, but that's just a rumour, I assure you!

Stay tuned for more updates.