Texas Mist

Texas Mist

this venue was what i would rate a 7 on a 1 to 10 scale, it had a nice stage and great perks to playing such as microphones and effects. Three bands played, The Wims, Thadius, and of course Clearview.

We played first, straight out of a hour long sound check we strike the first note to hopeless romantic and manager to get all the way through our 7 song set to so called life with faulty microphones and a big E string missing on my bass from snapping during killer inside (third song in). I borrowed Jason's bass to try and finish our set. after finishing with our three cover, four original set, we leave the stage somewhat unsatisfied from our play, but still stayed for a good upcoming show.

Next on was Thadius, not i haven't seen thadius in a while, in fact since conorfest, they rocked so hard, great kudos to them, they came in to Texas Mist with there ablum to sell (3 bucks!) and a very good set, covering just everlong only apologizing to us before for the repeated cover, but it was still a great set.

And then finally, The Wims!, this was there first show since the backroom with dynamite boy (which rocked) and i was looking forward to it, although you did see Marc's shiny green gibson, they still managed with a good set of new and old songs. Selling there rather new t-shirt (10 bucks) and opening there sound to a bit more ears, the show was great fun. Each band made 38 dollars and the show ended at about eleven o clock at night. This venue had its ups and downs but it will definitly be considered again some time.

07-12-03: Kyle