Music Lab

Music Lab

I love music lab so much, with just the littlest about of money, you can rent equipment and a good size room to practice, or in our case play one of our best shows that we have ever done in my opinion.

This show was just our way of getting out to our fans that we have a new vocalist and rythm guitar player (herbie) and that we have a new songs that they need to hear, we along with the guys have been itching for a show to play for a while so we scheduled this one in no time.

We decided to start with our new song, so called life, in my opinion, our best song currently. The song was flawless, i dont think we could have played it better, herbie was on every note perfectly and the music flew with a great start, kudos to my band for that, everyone really liked our first song.

As we continued on, we played my immotal( a wacked up evanesence cover we put together), and then hopeless romantic, everlong (i wont stop!), songs for the broken hearted. all this songs came out awesome, they went by greatly. Then, we played killer inside, a song that i sang at charlie's show a while back, which didn't exactly work too well but was still a lingering song to fix, with herbie, all was good, the best scream we have, blake was nuts, and i slapped the hell out of my bass in this song (prayin my strings wont break).

Then, we did a long waited cover of what it is to burn by finch, herbie did awesome for this song, we kinda didn't give the drums that much space to fill but it still came out great, we claimed this to be out last song but of course, every band has to have an encore.

I run off and come back as the belted superhero known as quail man, and stolen the heart of every girl as i walked in (sure...) and we started up killer tofu, originally, we didn't wanna do this song for this show, but we fixed up the song a bit by adding a solo and a switch of guitar and bass between me and blake, it was awesome, i played the solo, and blake rocked out on my bass, it was awesome fun. Never did we get so many compliments.

it was great show and i wanna do it again

07-12-03: Kyle