Crockett Car Wash

This show was something we did out of the goodness of our hearts. We provided entertainment at our school's car wash for the freshmen class. Sounds corny, but in the end it was fun and it turned out great. three bands played, the wims, clearview, and a freshmen band that no one ever really found out the name too.

Freshmen band played and then we played. We started with hopeless romantic and ended with our first time playing dumpweed, great song by blink 182. Kyle sang the song and finished us out with a bang and then the wims came on stage. They played just a little. The problem was that Joel had to fill in for Forrest (their drummer) because he was out of town. So basically, Joel was wingin' it for the whole time. He was doing good and so were The Wims, but they had to stop because they messed up too much. But the show was still alot of fun and we don't regret playing it