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Sproul Plaza Morning

This garbage truck stops before the commercial one.
Mondays and Fridays without fail
the weathered brown pick-up rattles to a stop
out of place in a neighborhood of manicured Augustine
and tailored Privet.
He'd be tall if he wasn't so bent
quickly poring over items destined for the fill-pit
My heart aches as I watch him
from my haven
chintz-covered and over-stuffed.
His one good leg stiffens to support his meager frame
as he untangles a bit of silk from the pile.
This courage surpasses mine.
His bent body refusing defeat
proudly earning his daily bread with quiet dignity.
Too ashamed to praise or even speak
I place small treasures
to be found.

©Cheri Herald 1999 Second Place category 9 FSPA Annual Contest 1999