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duffy - pafn02 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Descendants of Bernard ("Barney") Duffy


2. Margaret (Jane ?) Duffy

At her marriage The best man was her brother, Bernard, and the bridesmaid was
her sister, Mary.

Henry Righton Gibbs

Henry Righton GIBBS (sometimes erroneously written as "Wrighton") bought Perth
Town Lot on 30th December 1868. 20 acres (part of Swan Lot 709) transferred
to him by his brother-in-law Bernard DUFFY on 30th October 1877 at Lake
Gooleelal (now suburb of Kingsley). Employed 7 T/L men 1865-81 at Canning,
then Wanneroo. Wife R.C.

24. Eliza Ellen (Nell) Smith

Eliza Ellen (Nell) SMITH died on the train coming down from Northam to Perth
suffering from Acute Peritonitis. She died in the arms of her brother Francis
Reynolds Matthew (Rennie) SMITH, who was bringing her down from the farm on
Doctor's orders as the Dr. felt he could not deal with the complications
suffered by Nell. She had glorious, very long, deep red hair.

William Wiggett

Carpenter in Perth (1870-80 Alm.). Town Lot 1865. Warder 1881-85. Assistant Gaoler 1886-87. Licensee of "Kensington Hotel" (1888-89 Alm.). Literate, R/C.

29. Ida (Ada) Mary Wiggett

Although she was unmarried at the time of her death, Ida Mary WIGGETT had been
engaged to marry Councillor J.J. LLOYD (JP) of Chelmsford Rd., Mt. Lawley, W.A.
for many, many years prior to her death. According to family "history", when
she died he actually came round to her house to "collect" the engagement ring!

6. Bernard (James) Duffy

In 1884 at the Perth Courthouse Bernard registered a 6 y.o. black and white cattle dog named "Toby" and in 1885 he registered a 3 y.o. yellow cattle dog named "Nip" (ACC1386/174). Farmer Wanneroo - Swan Loc.709 = 100 acres Lake Goolelal. Bought "Baramba", Moore River, 1889 with W.T. King and later sold to him. Employed 8 T/L men 1871-85. Wife illiterate, RC.