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Is That a Cat???

Bintorung (Bear-cat)

The binturong is a member of the viverridae family which holds the distinction of being one of the most diverse of all carnivore families. They are a very ancient group of animals and are found in the tropical and sub-tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Palaway Island, Burma, Indochina, Sumatra, Bangka, Java, Borneo, and possibly Nepal. The binturong is rare in its current range due to habitat destruction.

Their gait is much like that of a bear as they walk with the whole foot touching the ground at the same time so they have an exaggerated sway as they move. Binturong will average about 25 - 40 pounds, with the females being heavier than the males!

Their diet consists of bananas as a staple, with other seasonal fruits, a sprinkling of vitamins, chicken twice a week and an occasional hard-boiled egg. Cooked carrots, sweet potatoes and similar items may be added.

Chip came to Big Cats of Serenity Springs just 6 months ago. At 1 1/2 years old, he loves visitors ... and marshmallows!
