Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:55:39 +0200
From: Andy Sacks <raisrael@JTSA.EDU>
Subject: Conversion and Israel

The following statement has been issued by the Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism. Please feel free to use it any way you see fit.

It is difficult to understand how Israel can call itself a free, democratic state that honors the rule of law when its Interior Minister is permitted to flaunt the decisions of the Supreme Court and refuse to register our converts as Jews, putting every possible obstacle in their way. His latest outrageous statement that “I will not kosher converts who are not Jews even if I have to sit in jail for it,” added to his previous statement that he listens to Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef and not to the Supreme Court, makes it obvious that he cannot be permitted to continue to serve as Interior Minister. Our converts are Jews and we demand that either Mr. Yishai carry out the law or that he be dismissed from the government. It is incomprehensible that not only has the government taken no stand against his actions but that the government and the Knesset first gave in to him by taking the totally unwarranted step of removing the nationality clause from the Identity Card in the mistaken belief that this would appease him and his party, and that the Prime Minister then appointed a committee to recommend the legislation Yeshai is demanding - legislation that would strike a double blow against democracy and freedom of religion by nullifying a decision of the Supreme Court and granting a monopoly on conversion to the Chief Rabbinate. This is a calculated slap in the face to our movement and to world Jewry, a step that recklessly endangers the unity of the Jewish people at a time when Israel is in dire need of total support. Instead of being reprimanded, Yishai is being rewarded over and over again. In view of these latest statements and developments, we urgently call upon the Prime Minister to disband the committee on conversion legislation and to reject any and all attempts at passing such a demeaning and undemocratic law.

Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism
Rabbi Reuven Hammer, Chair