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Dear ladies and gents,

Hope u'd like the Othello below!

Character Sketches in OTHELLO:


The perfect way to describe Iago was said by himself: ¡®I am not what I am¡¯. He is a dupe and victim of ruling passion. He has a love of action and adventure, the dangerous type. Iago, being very clever and manipulative naturally possesses the power of persuasion. He is gay (happy) but it is an act because inside he is always conjuring evil deeds to be put into action. His low opinion of women contributes to his contemptuous attitude towards his wife. Iago is outspoken and therefore never hesitant to voice his thoughts. He despises people who are naturally good hence his hatred towards Cassio and Othello. His worst quality among his other evil traits is playing on people¡¯s weak spots and using them to his advantage. With his insane desire to do evil he seizes every chance to be the cold-blooded person that he is by manipulating people to put more trust in him. Revenge is his second name. His impatience and confidence later leads to his carelessness, which is his downfall in the play. (Iago can be compared to Lady Macbeth, as they are both evildoers and manipulators)


His nature is one of a calm and judicial attitude. He is not a boastful character. He loves his freedom and his love for Desdemona is true. He is very gullible and therefore is not suspicious of anybody- does not look for the bad qualities in people. He is confident, noble, wise and respectful holding a high reputation and is much respected. Man of duty and action-presenting his facts with force. Being responsible and an authoritative person he sticks to his promises. Unfortunately when he is angry he makes impulsive decisions which he later on regrets. He is a person who acts according to beliefs and principles. Towards the end of the play his nature disintegrates and his self-control decreases.


He is reasonable and judicious. His actions are always carried out with calmness and resourcefulness. His best qualities are his understanding and sympathy enabling him to be a good advisor.


She is a loving wife who is caring, understanding and innocent. Although she is a sweet-natured person she deceives her father because she is so submissive and obedient to Othello. She, like Othello, lacks in suspicion of evil. She has admirable control over her feelings. She certainly does not deserve the treatment she receives from Othello. Even though Othello mistreats her she never retaliates or resents Othello. She is docile and anxious to please him.


She is an innocent character who unknowingly assists in Iago¡¯s evil plans. Enjoys doing good deeds. She has much respect for Iago and she believes that women are created for men¡¯s pleasure. Although she is devoted and loyal towards Iago she resents him for the way he treats her. At the end of the play she is not submissive to his abuse.


He is a catalyst character in the play. (He sets events into motion) He is gullible and credulous. Most unfortunately he is easily persuaded and therefore Iago is able to use him in his evil doings. His belief is that anything can be bought with money including Desdemona¡¯s love.

He is stupid, obstinate and impatient but at the end his character strengthens- he becomes independent and he tries to avoid his friendship with Iago.


He is a very proper man although he is superstitious. Being an influential citizen he has set standards and so becomes very distressed when Desdemona elopes.


He is very respectful- desire to be courteous and a good companion. He uses picturesque language especially when Desdemona is around because he admires her. He hates drinking but Iago persuades him to drink. When he consumes too much he becomes quarrelsome, quick-tempered and unable to control himself. His gentleness and politeness to woman is a charming quality of his but his impatience is not.


She has a doubtful reputation and is exceedingly jealous. She is a character that Iago uses in his evil plans


Another character used by Iago to spread rumours about Othello experiencing some madness.
