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PICTURES OF LOCAL BANDS, ME AND MATES, RANDOM PEOPLE ETC. UP JUST NOW....AND MORE TO COME! For pictures, scroll down to just after the song links, and click on the page name of your choice! Happy Surfing...

HEY! This is a completely random website that i've created. Im abbie! (well obviously), ive been playing the guitar for bout a year now, taught myself, and ive played various instuments before then. I also sing ... alot! I've been composing songs for about two years decently but before that just random songs whenever ive felt like it really!

I am christian and so most of my songs are religiously based. Most of my songs are written on either past experiences or about my faith. I've decided to put all my lyrics on this website to see wot u guys (and galz) think!

There WILL be some lines, songs, sections of my lyrics which you wont be able to understand without thinking about what they could relate to. This is my strange writting style. I dont just write a perhaps odd line just cos 'it sounds good' it has a route to the meaning. I write in a poetical style. Some of my songs you could just read as poetry, so most of my songs are just poetry to music, which is what most songs actually are!

Im gonna try and provide sound clips once i've recorded them so that you can hear what they sound like with a tune!- because to be fair the lyrics look a bit silly and plain by themselves!

I write most of my stuff for the acousitc, hence the name! but some of it's composed for the electric or the piano.

And heres one of my particular poses (lovin the grampa slippers!), actually this is on a weekend away that i went on with the school, but hey, yerp thats me.- loving the pink overcolour!!! thats my mums acoustic guitar which i play more than her really at the moment! But she lets me borrow it, so i do! Cunning that!And then theres just the bad ass pose while drinking coke-unwarned camera shots should be banned! hehehehee

Here's the links to all of my songs! click on any that take your fancy (if any!), they're in order of when i wrote them (newest at the top!). Please sign my guest book with all ure comments, suggestions or jsut to say something random, cos random is good!...

!!! SIGN MY GUEST BOOK...IT REALLY KOOL...I SWEAR :)...(and i want to know your HONEST opinions) !!!

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Knock Yourself Out!

Summer Song
Reveal the Refuge
Tracks Of Flame
Calling Alone - In respect of the Iraq War
Solo Road
Seasons Like Attitude
Locket Of Time
One More Night
Hallelujah Praises
Psalm 96
An Everlasting Love
God, Jesus Christ, Water of Life
A Prayer For Protection - Psalm 43
A So Called Perfect


Here we have a random collection of pictures, from local bands, to friends to random things...anyway
Click on the link that takes your fancy!...

Local Bands - OCD, MiDriFf and What Your Not
Myself..My Mates...My Inspirations...
*^*_*+* AbbiE AcousticA *+*_*^* - self-composed heartfelt poetry and lyrics to music