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Spiritlily's enchanted forest meadow

Spiritlily's Enchanted forest meadow

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Please do not pre-judge the look of my enchanted forest meadow in the future just by looking at this counter below. I just started this page, it will get more spirital in the future. Please come back and check every once awhile. *S*

Every new updates in Spiritlily's EFM will be posted below

News:#1~~~SpiritLily is back from her visit to China! But unfortunately she found out that her grand-ma's caught cancer, a disasterious disease. *sobs*~~~#2Please come and join our Dragon's story teller for a brand new tale!~~~#3Please realize that all the new and updated easter gifts from Spiritlily's absulutely wonderful friends are put up for tourists in the "presents" meadow.~~~

Dear Guest, as soon you've came here you are now an official Fairy friend! *cheers* Below you will find a cetificate to show that you are an official fairy's friend. Please take it and put it on your page!! Don't forget to link it back to Spiritlily's Enchanted Forest Meadow *S* thanks! *S* have fun!

The citificate*please link it back to!!!

This below is Drealm of Dspirit's newest undated logo, if you wish to visit Drealm of Dspirit just simply click on the logo please.

Hey look! That's me in the little shelter staring mysticially into the rivers!

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"DEssence of DSpirit, I help spread the spirit!"

WOW! you've found the secret door out of Spiritlily's Enchanted Forest Meadow! *congrats*
Before you leave, would you please sign my guestbook so I can have you as part of my memory?
Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook by The Site Fights View My Spiritbook

Just one more thing I hope you can do for all the Spirits and Creatures of all kinds who lives in my EFM before you leave. Please take one (or more if you like) of the pictures below with you and link it back to , thank-you!

if you are just bored of this page please visit some of the other ones!

Please drop by my Serenity Team Page on your way out, too!
Come and share the cuties I've adopted with me!
Come here and enter some of Spiritlily's contests for great prices!
Here's some wonderful gifts given to me
Come and share the awards I earned with me!
C'mon, visit some of my spirit friends' meadows
Please also come and drop by at the EFM's Rainbow Shine!
Don't be afraid, come and join the Dragons with their story teller for an amazing tale!