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Due to the spread of christian moralism and weak pilgrim ideals, it is becoming increasingly risky to speak one's opinion, use "foul" language, or speak against christianity. So for any kids under age 18......if your parents are uptight christian pawns, do not enter this site. Because they will make the freedom of choice vanish in this country, especially if the Bush Regime lasts past November 2004. Vote Ralph Nader!

Go Straight to SONIC NEWS to hear about the end of an era.

In this website there are swear words; antichristian phrases, bands and songtitles; and some words which may offend some stupid closedminded godfearing weak christian sheep. So consider this our WARNING. Our DISCLAIMER. DO NOT ENTER if you are easily offended. We have the freedom of choice in this country; the freedom to express one's opinion, and the freedom of speech. Ideals this country was founded upon. Christianity is raping people of their ability to CHOOSE what to listen to, watch on TV, etc.. They want to dictate what can be aired on the radio. The FCC (Federal Communications Committee) has defined "blasphemy" as profanity punishable by exorbitant fines ($500,000 for ONE indiscretion, intentional or not) and loss of broadcast license. The phrases "Go To Hell" and "Goddammit" are now illegal on American airwaves. We, at Sonic Insanity, hope that this christian political uprising comes to pass as soon as people start coming to their senses.

Christians have no right to tell me, or YOU, what I want to hear on the radio or television. If parents are so worried about what their children watch or listen to, then BE A PARENT. Your children are YOUR responsibility, not OURS! If you don't like what our world has in it, then DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN! We should not have to have censorship and regulations to protect children. That is the job of the parents. It's so easy to blame music, TV or foul language. But in reality it is a parents job to raise their children as they see is NOT the governments job.

And now.......if over 18, or have intelligent free-thinking parents, then.....CLICK HERE