Aa informal yes
Ai love
Aishiteru I love you
Aku Evil
Aku. Zoku. San Kill. Evil. Swiflty. Motto used by Saitoh.
Amaterasu Goddess of the Sun
Anou fragment close to "um . . ."
Arigatoo thank you
Ashita tomorrow
Boken wooden sword used for practice in kenjutsuu
Busu the rudest way to call an old woman, "old hag" or "ugly"
-chan title given to children, girls, or pets
De gozaru yo/ka/ya form of speech used by Kenshin that adds politness to his speech. Yo is to add emphasis, ka is to ask a question, and ya or wothout it is the normal way of using it.
Demo but
Doko? Where?
-dono title given mostly to royalty, and is almost the same as -sama
Doumo arigatoo gozaimasu thank you very much
E picture
Eeto fragment close to "um . . ."
Getta Japanese wooden shoes
Gi Japanese shirt used with a hakama. The gi is tucken inside the hakama
Gomen I'm sorry
Gomen nasai More formal form of I'm sorry
Hai yes
Hakama Japanese pants. They have two slits on the sides. They are tied with a sash and are used with a gi
Hara-kiri Ritual suicide
Hi - Fire
Hitokiri Assassin Manslayer or Shadow Assassin (or something close to that)
Hisakata - Moon
Iie no
Inu - dog
Ja informal goodbye
Ja na informal goodbye used by boys
Ja ne informal goodbye used by girls
Kame - turtle
Katana The longer of two swords used by a Samurai
Kawaii cute
Kawaiikune ugly
Kaze - wind
Ken Blade, sword
Kenjutsuu the art of weilding a sword
Kenshin Heart of sword
Kimono traditional clothing in Japan. It is used by both men and women, though they are different.
Kitsune - Fox
Kodomo - child
Kokoro heart, soul, mind
Konnbanwa Good afternoon
Konnichiwa Good morning
Kowaii scary
-kun title given to boys, and men that are close to you
Kyoku Sun, morning sun
Kyou - today
Mibu no ookami wolf of Mibu
Mizu - water
Mou! expression of frustration or anger, used mostly by Kaoru
Nani? what?
Natsu summer
Neko - cat
Ninjutsuu all kinds of Ninja Arts
Obi Special kimono sash.
Ohayou hello
Okaeri/Okaeri nasai Welcome home. Said in response to Tadaima.
Onegai or onegaishimasi please
Ookami wolf
Ore rough form of "I" used by boys or men. Kenshin uses this instead of "sessha" when reverted to Battousai.
Oro expression used by Kenshin (Kasumi from Ranma uses this a lot, too) that literally means Oh my God!
Rion - Lion
Ronin Masterless Samurai
Rurouni Word made up by Watsuki Nobuhiro-sama meaning "Wandering Masterless Samurai"
Ryuu dragon, or in other cases, refering to martail arts, school
Sakabattou Reversed-edge sword
Sakura Cherry Blossom
-sama title given to gods or masters
-san title given to women, and men you respect
Saya scabbard
-sensei title given to teachers, or people that know more than you in a particualr subject
Sessha word used by Kenshin as "I". It literally means "this unwothy one"
Shin heart, soul, mind
Shinai bamboo sword used for practice sword in kenjutsuu
Sora sky
Sugoi great
Susanoo God of the Storms
Tabi Japanese socks that have a division betweent he big toe and the rest
Tadaima Literally "I'm home." Called when one arrives to one's home.
Tamago - egg
Tantou Dagger
Tanuki raccon or skunk
Tora Tiger
Tori - Rooster
Tsuba Hilt
Tsuka metal disk between the blade of the sword and the hilt
Un informal yes
Wakarimashita I understand (I think)
Wakata understood?
Wakizashi The shorter of two swords used by a Samurai. Usually used to commit hara-kiri.
Watashi - I
-yama title given to masters of a sport, sumo wrestlers, mostly
Yosha great or done
Yume dream
Zutto - totally
.:A:. .:B:. .:C:. .:D:. .:E:. .:G:. .:H:. .:I:. .:J:. .:K:. .:M:. .:N:. .:O:. .:R:. .:S:. .:T:. .:U:. .:W:. .:Y:. .:Z:.