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Increased Horsepower

Click Here To
Purchase A Twister

Gas Mileage Gains

What's A Twister?
How Does It Work?

Easy Installation!
Aftermarket Intake Installation

A Twister is a product designed to spin the air inside of the air intake tube increasing airspeed and fuel atomization, and resulting in easier-moving, higher quantities of air being pulled into the engine. Smaller particles of air during combustion, combined with the spinning air effect, create better fuel mileage and increased horsepower.
Will It Fit My Vehicle?
What Buyers Are Saying
Most buyers report gains of 2-8 miles per gallon while using the Twister. And it's so simple to install! All you do is place it inside the hose! Installation is easier than checking your oil! There is NO WIRING and NO HASSLE!
At This Time We Do Not Carry Twisters For Carbureted Vehicles.