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Dedicated to the One I Love

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Notes: This takes place in 2004. You may remember Theo’s passing remark in P.S. I Love You about Wills taking him up to Massachusetts on their first anniversary. This tells that story. The music I’ve used was obviously not written by me. Ralph Bass and Lowman Pauling wrote “Dedicated to the One I Love.” “Isn’t It Romantic” was by Rodgers and Hart, and “Wasn’t It Romantic” was by Brian Andrew Leiser and Hugh Thomas Morgan. I wish I could find a link to the Michael Feinstein version of these two songs. The wedding vows Wills and Theo exchange are from an actual service, and Theo’s line, “In any way, in every way,” is the title of a Much Ado About Nothing fanfic I wrote. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) The author of The Art of Marriage really is unknown.


Acknowledgements: Thanks to Tim Mead and Gail Morse for reading this over, and to Gail for going to City Hall and making sure it was the way the Net told me it was. (it wasn’t, and corrections made had to be.) And a big thank you to Robb, for being such an accommodating archivist!


Dedicated to the One I Love


Chapter 1



It was a beautiful Sunday in August. The sky was blue, the temperature was in the low eighties, and a light breeze rippled through the tiger lilies, the Virginia Bluebells, and the glads that bordered our backyard.


Best of all, I had the weekend off.


That wasn’t to say I was lounging around, sucking down mint juleps and working on my tan. The grass in our backyard had a tendency to run wild if I didn’t keep it mowed, so that was how I was spending this day. Clippings filled the bag behind the gas mower, and I planned to use them as mulch for the small garden I’d turned over for Theo. As a Florida boy, he hadn’t been familiar with vegetable gardens, but I was, and he picked it up quickly. He’d planted lettuce, string beans, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, and a variety of herbs, and we both fought the never-ending battle against weeds.


On the cracked concrete slab patio—one of these days I’d have to rent a jackhammer, pulverize the concrete, and replace it, maybe with a deck—Samantha Nelson, our surrogate, reclined on a chaise lounge, reading The Da Vinci Code. A glass of lemonade was at her elbow. Almost seven months pregnant, she wore a pair of linen shorts that enhanced her long legs, and a sleeveless paisley print maternity blouse. A huge straw hat shielded her face and sunglasses kept the glare of the sun from her eyes. Earlier I’d helped her apply a coating of sunblock.


Theo had asked how I even knew what “paisley” was, and I’d grinned at him and told him Jill, my stepmom, might not be able to cook, but she was a wicked sew and sew. He didn’t get the joke, which surprised me, since he was usually quick on the uptake. Then I saw the glazed look in his eyes as he ran his gaze over my body. I was wearing cutoffs, a gray pocket T-shirt with the sleeves removed, and jogging shoes sans socks.


The next thing I knew, Theo had pulled me into his arms and slid his hand past the waistband of my shorts. He moaned when he realized he had a handful of naked ass—I’d gone commando, hoping something like this would happen.


Samantha was waiting for us out on the landing, and Theo called hoarsely, “Samantha, we’ll be down in a few minutes.”


“Okay, guys.”


Of course it had taken us a bit longer than that.




Afterward, I sprawled, boneless, on our bed. Theo braced himself above me, trailing his sated cock up my abdomen and nudging my navel.


“I’m gonna make some lemonade.”




“Go on out, babe.” But he didn’t let me go. He ran his lips along the side of my neck, sucking the spot just below my left ear. I knew he’d leave a mark, but I didn’t care.


Finally he pushed himself off and gathered up his clothes. I watched as his gorgeous body was hidden first by his underwear, and then by his cargo shorts and polo shirt.


I sighed, slid off the bed, and reached for my own clothes. “Whoa!” He’d loved me so hard my legs were barely able to keep me upright.




“I’m okay.” It took a couple of seconds for me to steady my legs. “Go play with the juicer.” I’d picked it up for him as a six-month birthday present in July.


He leaned toward me, but instead of kissing me, as I’d expected, he swatted my butt.


“Hey! What was that for?”


“Going commando. Make sure you put on your shorts. Samantha doesn’t need to have temptation flaunted in front of her.” But his lips caressed mine, and I sank against him.


“Mmm” Didn’t he realize she was too involved with this pregnancy to be interested in one of the baby’s gay dads?


Theo scraped his fingernails over my ass, and if I hadn’t just had a mind-blowing climax, my cock would have been very interested. However, as it was, it couldn’t even twitch.


“Whose idea was it to mow the lawn today?” I groused.


“Yours, babe.”


“Well, shit.”


He pressed another kiss to my mouth before setting me away from him. “That lemonade isn’t going to make itself.” And he walked out of the bedroom, leaving me standing there. But he was more than a little breathless, and I preened as I reached for the cutoffs and pulled them on, still going commando.


Humming a Mamas and Papas tune, I dragged the T-shirt down over my head and stepped into my jogging shoes.


When I got down to the street, I could see a few of the neighborhood kids playing handball against their stoops. They looked over and waved, and I waved back, but then they pointed, and I burst into laughter. The Mazda was parked at the end of the block. Its owner hadn’t had any choice, since the ladies downstairs had company and the Dodge was parked right outside the front door.


 I gave the boys a thumbs-up and strutted to the driveway, which led to the backyard.


I took the mower out of the shed, made sure I had enough oil and gas, and primed the engine. Once that was done, I pushed the choke starter and tugged on the power cord, pleased when I got it going on the first try. I patted it and began running it over the lawn.




I switched off the mower. The lawn was pretty much done for the day.


“Another lemonade, babe?” Theo crossed the patio, holding out a frosted glass. In spite of the heat, he looked very cool.


“Thanks.” I took it from him, gulped down about half of it, and sighed in pleasure. “You make the best lemonade.”


“Thanks.” He frowned, touching the bridge of my nose. “You’re sunburned. You should have worn a hat.”




“Next time we go shopping I’ll have to see what I can find for you.”


“Thanks, Theo.” I wanted to kiss him, but I felt grungy. I set down my glass, yanked off my T-shirt, and ran it over my face and hair and under my armpits. Then I draped it over the mower’s handle. I could feel sweat trickling down my spine to pool under the waistband of my cutoffs. I should have worn underwear. It would have absorbed the moisture. I picked up the lemonade again and ran the icy glass over my forehead, sighing in pleasure. “God, that feels good.”


“Mmm.” He looked over the yard, at the garden plot, the expanse of lawn, at the flower beds and the shrubs that gave us a measure of privacy from our neighbors. “You know what would cool you off? A pool. We need a pool.”


“Like the one at Davis House?” We’d gone there on vacation after I’d moved in with Theo, and again on our honeymoon, and they had one supersized pool. “The backyard isn’t big enough.” I could see he was disappointed. “But… maybe a lap pool?”


“Could we?”


“If that’s what you want, but we’re going to lose a lot of lawn.”


“And it could be dangerous for Teddy Bear.” He sighed. We’d decided to name our son Teodore William, after Theo and my grandfather, and somehow the nickname had just evolved.


“I could put a safety fence around it. Let me call Dad and see what he thinks.”


He leaned against me.


“I’m all sweaty,” I protested.


“I love you just the way you are.” He licked a stray drop of sweat off my cheekbone.


“Ah, babe.”


“So what are we doing for your birthday this year?”


“It’ll be hard to beat last year’s birthday.”


The smile on his face told me he couldn’t agree more. Not only had we gotten married, but Jill had given birth in the middle of the reception. It wasn’t likely anyone would ever forget it.


“Actually, Jill called and asked if we’d come up to Cambridge for Elf’s birthday.” Just as I’d given my younger brother the nickname “Jar,” he’d given Little Peter his own nickname—LP to Elp to Elf.


God, I loved my family!


“What did you tell her?”


“I told her I’d talk to you about it, but... I have the time off, and it’s been a long time since we’ve had a first birthday in this family. It’s a pretty important thing.”


“And you want to go.” But he sounded subdued.


“You don’t mind, do you?”


“Of course not. As you said, it’s important.”




“No, it’s fine. If you want to go up to Cambridge, then that’s where we’ll go.” He sighed. “I just… I really hoped we could get away by ourselves for a few days.”


“I’ve got the week off, and remember there’s Labor Day as well. As soon as the party’s over, we can leave. It won’t take long to turn in the rental and catch a flight. Where would you like to go? Paris? Rome? Athens?”


He stared at me. “You’re kidding!”


“Why would I kid about spending a second honeymoon in Europe with you?”


“I… I don’t know what to say.”


“Have you got a passport?”


“No. I didn’t have my birth certificate until last year.” His mother had sent it to him after that debacle on Greek Easter when we’d learned his father had told the family he’d thrown Theo out because he abused drugs. “Tim got me a fake one with the name of John Jones so I could get my driver’s license, but I didn’t want to chance getting a passport with it, especially after 9/11.”


“Okay, give me your license and your real birth certificate, and I’ll bring them with me tomorrow. By tomorrow night you’ll have your passport.”


“You can do that?”


“Sure.” I wasn’t going to tell him there was a department at the WBIS that dealt solely with preparing documents for its agents.


He looked dazzled. “And we could go to Rome?”


“If that’s where you want to go.”  I’d thought he would prefer Athens, since he was a Greek boy.


“There’s a hotel I’ve read about in Travelin’ Man, Desiderio del Cuore. It’s not too far from the Trevi Fountain, and it sounds pretty fascinating. It’s a U-shaped building that has a courtyard in the center, and it’s about five hundred years old.”


Heart’s Desire. “I’ll book the reservation.” I couldn’t take my gaze from his mouth—the top lip a perfect bow, the bottom lush and begging to be nibbled on.


Theo must have realized what I was staring at. He blushed, and his tongue peeked out, pink and curved, and licked his lower lip. My cock pushed hard against my fly. I didn’t groan, but it was a close thing.


“I’ve never been to Rome,” Samantha murmured, and I realized she’d been able to not only overhear our entire conversation but to see our reactions to each other. She smiled dreamily. “Bring back lots of brochures. After I get my figure back, that’s where I’ll go.”


“Consider it done.” I handed my empty glass to Theo. “I’d better put away the mower. I need a shower. Then what do you say to going shopping for Elf’s birthday present? There’s a Toys R Us about six miles away.” I grinned at him. “This will be a good time for you to practice driving the Dodge.” Since I was in line to get a new one at work, I’d told Theo I was going to buy it for his use and Teddy Bear’s, and the Corvair would be retired to the garage until our kids were old enough to learn to drive. Granted, Ralph Nader had declared the Corvair “unsafe at any speed,” but I’d taken it in for the mechanics at the WBIS to work on, and it was safe now.


Theo groaned and bumped his shoulder against mine. “Okay, fine.” He thought he was hiding it from me, but I knew he was intimidated by the Dodge. It was a good car, though, and I’d trust it with my husband and our son. Theo just needed to drive it until he was comfortable with it. “But I’ve never bought a gift for a little boy. Well, I’ve never bought one for a little girl either. What should we get him?”


“I’ve got my eye on a couple of VTech toys. One’s a Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker, and the other is Baby’s First Computer.”


“That makes sense, considering his brother is the biggest computer geek in his office.”


“Thank you kindly, you handsome devil, you.”


His cheeks became scarlet, and I couldn’t help myself. I leaned forward and brushed my lips over his. “I love you,” I whispered against his mouth, and his breath shuddered over my lips.


Samantha cleared her throat. “I’ve had enough sun. I think I’ll go in and take a nap.


“Huh? Oh, sounds like a good idea. I… uh… I think we should take a nap too.” It was Theo’s turn to do some staring, and it was my nipples he was staring at.


I could feel them harden, along with my cock, which was threatening to break my zipper now. I wheeled the mower into the storage shed at the rear of the yard, aware that Theo was at my heels.




He kicked the door shut, and I laughed as he unzipped my cutoffs. His eyes took on a wild expression when he realized I hadn’t put on shorts.


“Get ’em off!”


“Whatever you say, babe.” I toed off my jogging shoes, let the cutoffs slide down my legs, and stepped out of them. My cock was pointing straight at him, and precome beaded at the tip.


He closed his fingers around it, and they felt cool against the heat of my skin.


“What are you gonna do?”


“Let me show you.” He took a step toward me, and I backed up. I couldn’t go very far, since his grip wouldn’t let me, but then I didn’t want to go far.


I was laughing as he crowded me up against the wall of the shed, but suddenly it wasn’t fun anymore.  I felt the color leave my face, and I lurched forward.


“What? Wills?”


“My back,” I gasped.


He spun me around and gasped himself. “Oh, babe!”


“How bad is it?” God, I was so stupid. The shed was tin, and the sun had heated the metal.


He ran his fingertips over skin and muscle, and I could tell when he reached the scar, simply from the lack of sensation. “No, it’s okay, it’s just reddened. Come on. I want you in the shower.”


“I’m sorry.”




“I hadn’t given it a thought.”


“In that case, I’m sorry.”


“You? Why? You didn’t—” I was about to leave the shed when he caught my arm.


“It was my fault you lost track of your surroundings. And I’ve made you do it again.”




He gestured toward my body and then the shorts and Nikes that were scattered across the floor of the shed, and I felt my cheeks burn. I would have walked out of the shed stark naked.


“Jesus.” I pulled on my cutoffs and grabbed my jogging shoes and T-shirt.


“It’s okay, babe.”


“No it’s not. We were going to have mindblowing sex, and now we’re not.”


“Yes, we are, but first let’s see to your back.”




The water in the shower was tepid, and it felt good, not only on my back, but all over my sweat-caked body.


And then Theo’s hands were in my hair as he flexed them and worked up a lather with the shampoo. The feeling was sensuous—it was never like that when I washed my own hair—and I tipped back my head and enjoyed it.


“So what were we going to do?” I murmured.


“Close your eyes.” He turned me so the spray cascaded down on my head, washing out the suds. I could feel the length of his body against me, his cock hard and at home rocking behind my balls. “My plan was to fuck you against the wall of the shed. That last trip to get more lemonade was just an excuse. I brought some lube back down with me.” His breath was warm in my ear, but I was uncertain whether it was that causing me to shiver or his words.


“What else?” He knew I didn’t mean what else had he brought down with him. We hadn’t used condoms in over a year.


“After I had you good and slicked…”


“And begging for you to put that gorgeous cock of yours into me?”


“Yeah.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I was going to take off my shorts, kneel, and sit back on my heels.”


“What was I doing all this time?”


“Stroking your cock, keeping it hard for me.”


“Mmm.” I suited action to words.


“But I screwed that up.” Now there was disappointment with himself in his words. He got out of the shower and dried himself off.


“No, you didn’t.” I turned off the water and followed him out. He took a towel off the warming bar and ran it gently over my back. I pushed the wet hair out of my eyes and gazed at him over my shoulder. “I’m fine.” I stayed with my back to him so he could see no damage had been done.


“But—” He was being stubborn about it.


I turned and pressed my fingers against his lips, and handed him the tube of Wet we kept in the vanity for times like these. “What did you want me to do? I assume this wasn’t going to be a mutual jerk off session?”


“No. You were going to sit on my cock.”


“Okay.” I pushed gently on his shoulders, and he sank down onto the rug before the vanity. I turned around once more, bent slightly and leaned against the vanity, and spread my legs. “Do you want to lube me up, or do you want me to do it?”


He grabbed my ass cheeks and parted them, and I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, anticipating the feel of his fingers in me. And then I could see my eyes widen as he buried his face against my ass and licked and nipped at my hole.


“Jesus, Theo!”


“I never want to hurt you,” he whispered against my hole, and I shuddered. Once again, precome beaded at the tip of my cock, and I reached for it.




“Theo, you’re killing me!”


“I’d never do that. You’re my love, my heart, my soul, the one thing that means more to me than life itself.” He worked a lubed finger into me, and then another and finally a third. After all this time, he didn’t have to prepare me so carefully, but the feel of his fingers moving in and out of me, curling to brush against my prostate, made this part of our foreplay. “Now come sit on me.”


I swallowed and knelt on the rug, spreading my legs so they bracketed Theo’s. A glance over my shoulder revealed he was leaning back, balancing his weight on his palms—he wanted me to do this. I took his cock, which he’d managed to coat with Wet, brushed it back and forth over my hole, and then I lowered myself onto him, taking him into my body.


He reached around and trailed his fingertips along the length of my cock, scraped his nails over my balls, pressed against the spot where we were joined.


I rose up onto my knees, until only the head of his cock was still in me, then dropped down, the actions smooth and rhythmic.


But not for long. The constant stimulation of my prostate was like clutching a live wire, and I knew I wouldn’t last. My balls tightened and drew up, and my movements became erratic.  




“Kiss me.”


I angled my head around, searching for his lips. They were soft and lush and I wanted to spend the rest of my life kissing him.


“Twenty-nine months,” he whispered against my lips, his voice rough with need, “and I still can’t get enough of you!”


And I shuddered in his arms and came apart.



Chapter 2



Theo thought we were flying up to Cambridge for Elf’s birthday. He had no idea what I actually had in mind for our anniversary.


Because we were flying to Rome shortly after the party, he expected our Jos. A. Banks suits to be packed in the garment bag—Hotel Desiderio del Cuore had an exact dress code for its exclusive dining room, and we’d need the suits.


However, I’d also included our tuxedoes. 


But I’d been darned if I could think of a logical reason to wear them for a toddler’s birthday party.


Thank God for Jill. She’d come up with the perfect idea. “Sweetie, just tell him we’re having a formal family portrait, and we’re all dressing up.”


“You’re a genius!”


“Of course. We’ll see you on Tuesday.”


“You bet.”  We said good-bye and hung up, and I went looking for Theo. “Hey, babe. We’ll need to bring our tuxes with us. Jill says we’re having a formal family portrait.”


“What, me too?”


I smacked the back of his head. “Yes, you too. You are family you know.” I thought I’d have to do some fancy tap dancing, but as it turned out, he was so pleased to be considered part of the family, even after a year, that I hadn’t had to do much more than kiss the tears from his cheeks.


And now here it was, Tuesday.


“Come on, babe.” I nudged him awake.




“It’s time to wake up.” I kissed the hinge of his jaw. “Happy anniversary.”


“Happy anniversary, Wills.” He rolled over onto his back and smiled sleepily at me. “Happy birthday.”


“Thank you. Why don’t you take a shower and get dressed? I’ll get breakfast started.”


He raised an eyebrow.


“Okay,” I conceded, “I’ll put some Eggos in the toaster and nuke the bacon.”


“Ah. A definite achievement.”


“Hey! Don’t mock the cook.”


“God forbid.” He pulled me down for a kiss. “How did I get so lucky?” He wasn’t talking about my cooking, which even after all this time was mediocre at best. Jill might not have been my biological mother, but I was fairly certain I got my lack of talent in the kitchen from her.


“I figure I’m the lucky one. I’ve got you, and in a couple of months we’ll have our little boy. And in a few hours…”




Knowing what I wanted to say, but also knowing I couldn’t, I just grinned and said, “We’ll be flying off to Rome.”


“Did you pack enough lube?”


“You bet.” And how great was it that we didn’t need condoms anymore? I teased Theo that we’d saved a fortune since we’d stopped using them.


“Cool. I’d better hurry, and you too. Miss Su needs to get ready to go downstairs.”


“I’m on it, babe.” Samantha couldn’t watch her, due to the possibility of toxoplasmosis from the litter, so the ladies downstairs had volunteered to keep our kitten until we got back.


In spite of the fact that she was almost two years old, she still hadn’t reached full maturity—American Bobtails didn’t until they were three—but even when she did, she’d always be our pretty kitty.


The ladies had also promised to keep an eye on Samantha. I’d installed stair lifts for each flight of stairs, so she wouldn’t have to climb up and down three flights, but accidents could happen, and we wanted both her and our son to be safe.




Miss Su was downstairs, our luggage was in the Dodge’s trunk, and I jogged back up to our apartment. I’d started the coffee brewing before I’d showered and dressed in black jeans and a navy blue T-shirt, and now I put the Eggos in the toaster and pushed down the lever. Then I took a package of bacon from the fridge and laid out the slices on a paper-towel-covered plate to nuke them.


I noticed a large manila envelope with my name scrawled on it, on the breakfast bar, but I just set it aside.


Theo walked in. He was wearing beige Dockers and Reeboks and a polo shirt that matched his eyes. “Open the envelope,” he said as he took the coffee cup I offered him.


“I don’t have your gift here.”


“That’s okay.” He took a sip and grinned at me. “As far as I’m concerned, you gave it to me last night.”


“I’m glad you enjoyed it, but I’ve got something I hope you’ll like even more.”


“What could I like more than having you suck on my toes?”


The Eggos popped up, saving me from having to answer. I’d discovered—purely by accident—that Theo’s toes were a little... sensitive?  Getting them sucked drove him wild; he’d buck and giggle and totally fall to pieces, his cock getting so hard it only took a handful of strokes... pun intended... for him to explode all over me, him, and the bed. I liked to surprise him with it on special occasions, but last night... well, that had just been for the hell of it.


I put the Eggos on a plate, dropped two more into the toaster, and handed the plate to Theo.


“Fine. Don’t tell me.” He slathered the waffles with butter and then drowned them with syrup. “But open the envelope!”


“Okay.” I unfastened the flap and reached in to withdraw a sheet of paper.


“Traditionally, the first anniversary gift is paper. I thought this might work. I… I hope it does?”


It was a stock transfer. Theo had given me a hundred shares of Microsoft. “Babe.” I put it down, went to him, and wrapped my arms around him. “Of course it does. You’re the one who’s given it to me.”




We finished breakfast, said good-bye to Samantha, Miss Su, and the ladies downstairs, and headed for National.


“What’s this?” Theo poked the leather bag that hung from my shoulder as we waited in line to go through Security.


“Travel tote.” I toed off my Nikes and put them and the tote into a bin, along with my keys, wallet, and watch.


“I don’t remember this one.”


“Mr. Vincent gave it to me.”


“Vince? Should I be jealous?”


“Ass.” I bumped my shoulder against his.


“Since when has he been giving you birthday presents?”


“If you’ll remember, he gave me one two years ago.”


“Yeah... a bullet.” He bit his lip, trying to keep from laughing.


Mr. Vincent had still been living in the apartment above us. He’d come by to get advice about coffee beans and found us celebrating my twenty-seventh birthday. It had been obvious he hadn’t realized what the day was, and why should he have?  But still, he’d taken a strip of the crepe paper streamers Theo had strung across the room, tied it around a bullet, and presented it to me. I appreciated the thought.


“And last year he gave us a very nice check for our wedding.” I walked through the metal detector with no problem, but the TSA agent scowled at me. “Is something wrong?”


“No.” But he muttered, “Goddamned fags.”


I pretended I hadn’t heard him. The last thing I wanted was to get into a smackdown with him, not when we had to be up in Cambridge in a few hours. This was his turf, and Mr. Vincent wasn’t in town to bail me out if I tore this clown’s head off.  


Of course, Mr. Wallace, The Boss, was in his office at the WBIS, but unless it was the end of the world as we knew it, I’d prefer not to get him involved.


The sour-faced agent grabbed the tote, opened it, and pulled out a number of plastic baby toys... a few rattles, a teething ring, and a stuffed stegosaurus pacifier. His jaw dropped and he stared at me. “What the fuck?” Had he been expecting some sick sex toys?


“Those are for our brother. Today’s his first birthday.”


He stuffed them back into the tote and shoved it at me, and Theo and I gathered up our shoes and left him to scan the next passenger.


It was a good thing he hadn’t realized what he was looking at. Those “toys” could be assembled into a very capable weapon. Not that I had an assignment, either in Cambridge or Rome. If ever there was a possibility of Theo being in danger, I had no intention of standing around with my thumb up my butt.


I guessed you could say Mr. Vincent had rubbed off on me.


Fortunately, Theo was totally unaware of the agent’s homophobia. “Our gate’s down this way, babe.”




 An hour and a half after our flight departed, we set down in Logan.


“You get the luggage, okay, Theo?” In addition to the garment bag was the big suitcase that held more casual clothes, along with Elf’s birthday presents. “I’ll fill out the paperwork for the rental. This way we’ll be good to go.”


“What’s the rush? The party isn’t until this afternoon.”


“Yeah, but Jill has the appointment for the family portrait this morning. I told you, didn’t I?”


“Yes, but… we’re doing that before the party?”


“Yeah,” I said again. “This way Elf won’t have to wear his birthday suit—What?”


Theo had started laughing… so hard that if he’d been drinking anything he would have snorted it out of his nose.


“Babe, did you hear what you just said?”


“Huh? What did I…?”


“His birthday suit?”


“Oh. Right.” I gave a half-hearted laugh. “Anyway, little kids don’t have the tendency to stay clean for long, and Jill wants the pictures out of the way so Elf won’t be stressed. I’ll see you as soon as I get the keys.” I could feel him watching me as I hurried to the exit.


A sedan was idling at curbside, and the driver gestured to me. I opened the door and got in.


“Mr. Vincent.”


“I thought you’d need a lift to the rental location.”


“Thanks. It’s only a couple of miles—”


“Which makes it about a five minute drive, but if you walk, it will take longer, and Theo will wonder.”


And I’d wind up all sweaty and in need of a shower—and I really didn’t have time to shower once we got to the big house. “Yes. Jesus. You’d think this was the first time I was getting married.”


“If you keep this up, I’ll expect an invitation for every wedding. I see you brought the tote.”


“Yes. I want to thank you again.” I was tempted to tell him about its contents and the TSA agent’s reaction, but decided against it.


“You’re welcome. Now pay attention. I have the court order waiving the three-day waiting period, and I’ve got everything set up at City Hall.”


“I can’t thank you enough, sir.”


He waved aside my gratitude, but the corner of his mouth was tipped in a grin. He pulled up in front of the rental facility.


“We’re already here?”


“I told you it was a five minute drive. I’ll see you at City Hall in a couple of hours.”


“Yes, sir. Thank you again.”


“Don’t mention it.”


I got out, closed the door, and went inside.




Theo was waiting at the curb, our luggage beside him, looking around for me. I tapped the horn, and he turned, smiling. And then the smile faded and his eyes widened.


I pressed the button that caused the rear passenger side door to slide open. Theo tossed the suitcase and garment bag onto the backseat, yanked the door closed, and got into the seat beside me. He shook his head. “William. What the actual fuck?”


“Sorry, babe. I’ll be driving the whole family to the photographers.”


“I was hoping for another ’Vette…”


Like the one I’d rented last year when we’d flown up to Long Island to get married.


“… or… y’know, an SUV in a pinch.” He sighed and stared at me for a minute. “Okay, you’re the driver. I just hope impending fatherhood isn’t turning you into an old fart.”


“I’ll rent a Ferrari when we get to Rome. But... does that mean you’ll stop loving me if I turn into a soccer dad?”


“Seriously? I’ll love you no matter what.”


From the corner of my eye I could see the bulge in his jeans, and although a car came up behind us and tooted his horn, I couldn’t draw my gaze away. “Babe?”


“I was just picturing you running up and down the field in shorts and crew socks, encouraging all the boys and girls to give it their best shot.” He reached across the space that separated the two seats and squeezed my thigh. “No, I’ll never stop loving you.”


Hearing that was the icing on the cake that was today. Grinning, I put the minivan in gear and began the drive to the house in Cambridge.



Chapter 3



I turned into the long drive beside the big house and let the minivan roll to a stop just in front of the garage.


“I’ll get the luggage, babe,” Theo said, and I unlocked the rear passenger door.


“Wills! Wills!” Marti bolted down the steps from the back porch, holding up the voluminous skirts of her gown. By the time she reached me, I was out of the minivan, and she threw herself into my arms. “Happy birthday! Happy anniversary! You have to hurry! You don’t want to be late!”


I caught her up and spun her around, careful not to wrinkle her gown. “Hi, munchkin. You look gorgeous!” Her gown was pink tulle with a sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves—it wasn’t the same gown she’d worn to our wedding last year because she’d grown three inches and it no longer fit, but earlier in the month she’d called to tell me about it and spent the entire phone conversation describing it in detail. Dainty satin pumps in a slightly darker shade peeked out from beneath the hemline.


“Does Theo know?” she whispered in my ear.


“Not yet.”


“Okay! I won’t say a word!”


“Good girl!” I kissed her cheek and lowered her to the ground, and she danced around to the other side of the minivan. I walked around to join them.


“Theo!” Usually she’d indicate she wanted him to stoop down so she could wrap her arms around his neck, but I was startled to realize there was no need. Like Shakespeare’s Rosalind, she was already as high as his heart. And oh my God, she was developing a figure!


She kissed Theo.


“Hi, Marti. Your brother is right. You look beautiful! Isn’t that a new dress?”


“Yes! I thought I’d wear it today because… it’s so pretty!”


“Well, it certainly is.” He pinched her chin. I was pleased to see him so comfortable with her.


She bounced on her toes. “Theo! I have a riddle for you!”


“Okay, let me have it.”


“If a one-l lama is a Tibetan priest, and a two-l llama is a South American beast of burden, what is a three-l lama?”


I bit my lip and tried to keep from laughing. In spite of how she was growing up, she was still my little sister, and she was a wonder.


Theo’s brow furrowed. “I have no idea, Marti.”

“It’s a wicked big fyah in Reveeah!”


“Um… yes?”


“You’d better translate, munchkin.”


She folded her hands primly before her, fighting back a grin as much as I was. “It’s a very large inferno in the town of Revere!”


He was almost there, but he still looked a little confused, and I patted his shoulder. “It’s a town on the Nawth Shaaw, babe.”


“Wills! You’ve got an accent!” He leaned close so Marti couldn’t hear. “That is so freaking hot!”


He was really aroused by that? “I’ll talk Bahston for you tonight. Now come on, we need to get changed or we’ll wind up being late.” I took the big suitcase, and he slung the strap of the garment bag over his shoulder and heaved the door shut, and we followed Marti.


She ran ahead of us into the house, announcing, “Wills and Theo are here!”


Jar was hanging out in the kitchen. “Hey, bro.” He was wearing a dress shirt, bowtie, and jeans.


“Interesting look,” I said. I dropped the suitcase and held out my arms.


Jar grinned and hugged me. “If I get dog hair on my tuxedo, Mom will kill me.” The jeans emphasized his lean height; he was actually an inch or so taller than me.


I propped my hands on my hips and groused, “It’s not fair. The only male in this family who’s shorter than me is Elf!”


“That’s okay, babe.” Theo slid an arm around my waist, pulled me against him, and kissed the corner of my mouth. “I love you just the way you are.” I guessed he did, since he told me so repeatedly. He let me go when Jar came toward him.


“It’s good to see you again, Theo.” Jar’s grin was now so broad I was afraid he was going to spill the beans, but he just gripped Theo’s arm.


“Same here.”


“So this is Def?” Standing beside Jar was a half-grown yellow Lab.




“Well, you’re a very handsome boy, yes, you are.” I held my hand out for him to become familiar with my scent.


It was never easy losing a beloved pet. Dog Three had lived past the twelve months Dr. Morse had predicted, but she’d started going downhill fast last fall, and even though the family was expecting it, having to put her to sleep was devastating. Theo and I had been here, and while he helped Alice in the kitchen, I drove Dad and Jar and Deety to the vet’s. Jar held her as she took her last breath, and then Dad and I held him.


Dad had bought the Lab for Jar, not to replace Deety, but to have another dog in the house.


Now Def—Dog Four—pushed against my hand, making it obvious he wanted to be petted. I crouched down and buried my fingers in the fur of his ruff.


“Would you believe he’s decided the little guy is his boy?”


“You’re kidding!”


“Not a chance. He follows him everywhere, and as a matter of fact, he’d be with Elf right now, only Mom’s getting him ready for the…” He cleared his throat. Fortunately, Theo didn’t notice. He was ruffling Def’s ears. “For the photographs. And Def needs to get walked before we leave.”


“Are you okay with it?” I rose.


He looked a little wistful, but he smiled. “Yeah. I had Deety, and if she’s the only dog that’s destined to be mine, then it’s okay. Besides, if I get another dog now—”


“But there’s plenty of room.”


“I know, but I’ll be going away to college next year….”


I stared at him while he rambled on. He’d be starting his senior year in a couple of weeks.  In less than twelve months he’d be off to Brown. He’d applied to and been accepted by my alma mater. I was pretty sure he’d be rushed by the fraternity that both Dad and I had belonged to. Where had the little boy I’d played with and sung “Rubber Ducky” with gone? And how was I going to deal with it when it was my son who left the nest?


“… and that wouldn’t be fair to Mom and Dad,” Jar was saying.


Just then Def gave a soft woof and turned his head to gaze toward the hallway that led to the kitchen, and we heard the pattering of bare feet. Elf came wobbling in, his pudgy little arms outstretched and his face lit with excitement. He was naked, and I was taken back years ago to when Jar was a toddler. I was at school most of the day, but I’d overheard Jill telling Dad, “Your son has learned how to get out of his clothes, Jack. And don’t you know he does it at the most inopportune times!”


Marti had never done that—she’d been too much the little lady—but now Elf was getting up to the same mischief. I’d have to ask Dad if I’d done that at his age, if this was a trait of male Mathesons. Theo and I needed to know to be prepared for our Teddy Bear.


“Da! Da! Da!” Elf was about to overbalance, and I caught him just in time.


“Hey, little man! Happy birthday!” His blue eyes were bright, and he patted my cheeks with chubby palms. I grabbed one and blew a raspberry on it, and he shrieked with laughter.


“Where’s my little exhibitionist?” Jill hurried into the kitchen. She was wearing a kimono, but her face was made up and her hair was in an elegant upsweep.  She held a disposable diaper in one hand. “John Robert—walk that dog! We are going to be so late!”


Jar winked at me.”Yes, Mom.” He took the leash from its hook on the wall, snapped it to Def’s collar, and they disappeared out the back door.


Jill blew out a breath. “Hold Peter for a second, please, Wills.”


“How long has he been walking?” I held him out so she could fasten the diaper around his little body.


“For the past two days. Neither JR nor Marti started so young.” She got the diaper on Elf. “There. Now I can get a thought in edgewise. Wills, happy birthday, sweetie. I’m so glad to see you. Theo, happy anniversary. You’re looking wonderful!” She kissed us both. “Now, let me take your brother. You two go and get changed. We’re going to be so late! Jack?” she called. “Are you—”


Dad walked in, wearing his tux. “I’ll take him, Jilly. Go get ready. I’m looking forward to seeing that mother of the—”


“—birthday boy dress!” I interrupted in case he was going to say “mother of the groom.” “Did you get a new dress, Jill?”


“Yes, I did. I’d planned to wear it for New Year’s Eve, but today is special. I mean for the family photos.”


“Not a problem, sweet girl.” Dad smiled at her, and it was easy to see how much he loved her. I had a feeling my mother would be pleased he’d found someone. Those first years had been rough, but then Jill had come back into our lives. “I’ll just buy you another one.”


“Don’t tempt me.” She brushed a kiss over his lips, gave him Elf, and rushed away, muttering about needing to be out of the house ten minutes ago. Theo was going to wonder why she was so stressed about a simple photo shoot.


He came up beside me and looped his arm through mine. “You have the best family, babe.”


I leaned close to him and whispered, “And you’re an important part of it.”


He blushed and slid his fingers down to twine with mine.


 “Wills. Theo. Happy birthday, son, and happy anniversary to you both.”


“Thanks, Dad. Where are Alice and Pat?”


“They had some things to take care of in town. We’ll… uh… we’re meeting them at the photographer’s.”


“Okay. We’ll get changed and meet you down here in about fifteen minutes. I rented a minivan, so we can all go together.”


“Good idea.” Dad caught Elf’s hand before he could undo his bowtie. “Let’s get you dressed, little man.”


I picked up the big suitcase, tightened my grip on Theo’s hand, and led him up the stairs to my old bedroom. Once we were there, I closed and locked the door.


“The baby called you ‘Da.’” Theo put the garment bag on the bed and unzipped it.


“And he could just as well have called Jar ‘Da.’ Or the dog. He’s babbling. He should make the connection really soon, though.”


“You know all this stuff, and I’m totally useless!”


“You’re not.” I gave him a shake and then kissed him and rubbed my cheek against his. “You just have to give yourself some time to get used to having a son.”


“I’m sorry I’m being such a wreck about this. Two more months until the baby, and I’m... I’ll never—”


“Yes, you will.” Every once in a while I could see how the prospect of becoming a father unnerved him.


“You’re going to be the best dad.”


“And so are you, babe. I promise you.”


“I hope so.” He turned away to take out our tuxes, and after he’d hung them up, he came back to me. He ran his palm over my ass. “I wish we had time...”


“So do I, but we don’t. I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight. In Rome.”


“Mmm.” One more kiss, and then we stripped off our jeans and shirts and reached for our formal clothes.




We had to be at City Hall by eleven a.m., and now it was 10:45.


I parked the van on the street and fed coins into the meter. A few spots down I recognized the car Mr. Vincent had driven. Beyond that was the car Alice drove.


I pressed a button and the minivan’s side doors slid open.


Jill had purposely taken the seat on the side of the van that I’d park against the curb, while Dad was on the street side. Elf was between them in the car seat Dad had transferred to the van. Dad got out and walked around.  


“I can see why you wanted a minivan, babe.” Theo watched as Jill took Elf out of the car seat.




“Yes, Jill?”


“Take Peter, please.”


Theo looked panic-stricken. “Wills? I might drop him!”


“You’ll be fine, babe. I have every confidence you won’t.”


“But if I do!”


“I’m right here.”


His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. I’d never seen him this nervous. Hesitantly, he held out his arms, and Jill handed over Elf.


The little guy was wearing a tuxedo also, and Theo shook his head distractedly. “Cute, but who’d have thought they made tuxedoes so small?”


Elf was a happy little boy, and he babbled earnestly while Theo walked up and down the sidewalk and hummed.


His humming wasn’t as off-key as his singing, and I could recognize the song from the early sixties—“Daddy’s Home.”


I couldn’t understand why he doubted his ability to be a good dad. He was going to be terrific!


Dad held out his hand and helped Jill from the van, and they both smiled as they watched my husband cradling his brother-in-law.


I rubbed Theo’s shoulder, then turned back to the van. Marti hopped out and skipped over to me. “This is gonna be so great!” she whispered.


“Yes, it is!” I whispered back.


Jar stepped onto the sidewalk. “How do I look?” He turned on his heel, his arms extended. “Not a single dog hair on me.”


“Very spiffy.”


“Cool beans!” He started humming under his breath.


“JR, what’s that?’” I asked in an undertone.


“It’s ‘Dedicated to the One I Love.’ Each night before you go to bed, my baby, Whisper a little prayer for me my baby. And tell all the stars above....” He had a smooth baritone singing voice.


I blew out a breath. For a second I’d been afraid he was going to say it was “The Wedding Song.”


He grinned and nudged my side, then glanced down the street to where Alice’s car was parked. “We’ll go on ahead. Come on, Marti.”


Theo looked up. “Are they going to the photographer’s studio?” He looked around. “Where is it?”  


“We need to stop in City Hall for a minute, Theo. I’m sorry, I hope you don’t mind.” Jill smiled at him and didn’t give him a chance to respond. “Let’s go. We don’t want to be late.”


He turned to me. “Why would I mind?” But I could see he thought Jill was acting really strange.


“It’s been a long time since she got to do a big birthday party.” I hoped that didn’t sound as lame to him as it did to me. And actually, all the birthday parties Jill threw were big. This would be the first time Theo got to see her in action. Last year, I’d been out of town for Marti’s birthday, and by the time Jar’s rolled around, Theo and I were still recovering from the fallout of the misunderstanding that nearly broke us up. This year, both our jobs had made it impossible to attend either Jar’s or Marti’s.


“This doesn’t have anything to do with General Custer, does it? Is that bastard Herendon trying to make trouble?”


“What? No, babe. As far as we’re concerned, whatever happened to General Custer is a dead issue.” Theo gave me a look, and I smiled as innocently as I could.


“Then why are we—”


“I’ll take Little Peter, Theo,” Dad said, distracting him, and I was pleased when Theo seemed reluctant to hand him over.


Elf squirmed, but Dad settled him in his arms. “Yes, I know you’d prefer to walk, little man, but we have a schedule we need to keep. Jilly?” She looped her arm through his, and the three of them strolled toward City Hall.


Theo and I fell into step behind them, but I kept my pace slow. They needed to reach the chamber on the second floor ahead of us.


“God, it’s a gorgeous day, isn’t it, babe?” I tipped my head back.


“Uh, there’s fog and it’s starting to drizzle.”


I pretended I hadn’t heard that. “Absolutely gorgeous.”  


“It’s a weird day,” he muttered under his breath.


“Just think. Tonight we’ll be sleeping in Rome. I always wanted to go there. My mother’s family comes from a little town about fifty miles outside Rome.” I was doing some babbling myself, but Theo seemed so taken with the thought of us being in the Eternal City, he didn’t call me on it.


We entered the building, and I steered Theo toward an elevator that happened to be standing open.


“We’re not taking the stairs?” He gazed at the gorgeous staircase that led to the second floor.


“Nope.” We got in just as the doors slid shut, and I pressed the button for two.  “Theo?”


“Yeah, babe?”


“I... uh... I need your ring.”


“My wedding ring?”


“Yeah.” I took off my own ring and held out my hand.


“Why?” Theo turned pale, and I could see how upset he’d become. He tugged off his ring, and for a second I thought he was going to throw it at me, but then he just placed it in my palm.  


I closed my fingers around his ring. As much as I wanted to surprise him, I couldn’t let him stay like that. “We’re getting married, babe.”


“What? What are you talking about? We’re already married.”


“Yeah, but as everyone was at such pains to tell us, it wasn’t legal.”


“And it is now?”


“Yes. In May, it became legal here in Massachusetts.” The elevator jolted to a halt. “We’re here.”


He closed his fist around my lapel, keeping me in the elevator, and the doors closed. “And you want to marry me legally?”


“Yes. Don’t you... don’t you want to be...?”


He gave a tug, pulling me into his arms. His lips were a breath away from mine. “You’d better believe I do!”


“You don’t have to say it just yet, babe.”


“Shut up and kiss me.”


“If you—” His lips cut off the rest of my words.




Feeling a little dazed, I stepped out of the elevator. Theo had an arm slung around my shoulder, and he sang off-key, “We’re getting married in the morning!”




I looked around to see Patricia Herendon sitting on a bench outside the council chamber. Beside her sat a young man dressed all in black, with the scruff of a beard covering his cheeks, chin, and upper throat. He was holding her hand, and she tightened her grip on him.


“You’re not going to stop me!” Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes seemed to spark. “I love him, and I don’t care—“

“Patricia, what are you talking about? Why are you here?”

“Why are you here?” She ran her gaze over my tux. “And dressed like that?”

“Theo and I... You remember Theo, don’t you?” She nodded reluctantly. “We’re getting married legally.”


“Well, so are we!”


“Here?” To say I was surprised was an understatement. City Hall was the last place her mother would approve of as a location for her daughter to be married.


“Yes! And you’re not going to stop me!


The young man freed his hand and extended it to me. “I’m Derek.”


“He’s not a bad boy!”

He grinned. “I just dress like one.” He fingered the studs that pierced his eyebrow. “Keeps away the girls who aren’t serious.”


Or it attracts  the ones who want to walk on the wild side. Still, Patricia wasn’t my sister; it wasn’t my business.


“Derek. I’m Wills, and this is—”


“Your fiancé. I heard. Congratulations.”


“Thanks, but Theo is my husband. We were married last year. And congratulations to you as well.”


“Wills!” Jar poked his head out of the chamber. “Mom’s having a fit. The ceremony is about to start!”

I laughed. It couldn’t start without us. “We’ll be right there.” I turned to Patricia. “I do wish you the best of luck.” She seemed nervous. Was she afraid her mother would burst in at the last minute? “Would you like to come in with us?”


“You wouldn’t mind? We’re actually supposed to get married after the couple who’s scheduled for eleven. I guess that’s you and... and Theo.”


“I guess so. Come on.” But Theo stood there, staring at Derek. “Babe?”


“Is he another cousin?”


“Excuse me?”


“He... kind of looks like you.”


“You think?” I turned and studied Derek. “Nah, I don’t see it.” I led Theo into the council chamber, and Patricia and Derek followed.


Alice came to us. “Pat and I stopped at the florist.”


The box she held contained the boutonnières we would wear. Theo’s and mine were red rosebuds. Dad’s, Jar’s, Pat’s, and Mr. Vincent’s were yellow. Even Elf had a miniature rosebud fastened to his lapel. Jill, Marti, and Alice already had corsages of yellow roses around their wrists.


Mr. Vincent sauntered over to where we stood, and Theo did a double take.


“Vince? What are you doing here?”


“I’m officiating.”


“You can’t do that! Can you?” Theo looked dazed. The surprises were coming fast and furious, and I hoped he wasn’t overcome until after the wedding.


“Sure I can.” He could, and not just because he was Mark Vincent. After I’d approached him to ask for the last week of August off and explained why I needed it, he’d filled out the application to become Justice of the Peace for a day. He’d also pulled a few strings to make sure not only that we got the license without Theo being there, but that we could marry on our original wedding day.


“I knew as soon as I learned Massachusetts had legalized same-sex marriage that I was going to do this with you.” I wanted it more than anything. “Our license is the paper gift I’m giving you for our anniversary.”


Theo’s eyes were bright with tears, and his lower lip quivered. “Oh, babe.”


He had such a tender heart. Before I could wrap my arms around him, Mr. Vincent said, “The rings, Matheson?”


“Yes, sir.” I handed them to him, and he went to the front of the chamber and picked up a book. I took one of the red roses, fitted it into Theo’s buttonhole, and smoothed my palms over his lapels. “I love you, Theo.” And I kissed him.


“I love you too, Wills.” He inserted the rosebud into my buttonhole and kissed me.


Dad, still holding Elf, and Jill and Alice stood at the front of the chamber. Pat had his guitar out, and he strummed softly while Jar sang. This time it was, “Isn’t it romantic, merely to be young on such a night as this....


After a couple of choruses, Marti joined in with “Wasn’t It Romantic.” “White willows in the moonlight, bright silver in the stream....” Her harmony blended and curled around the words Jar sang.


I took Theo’s hand, and we walked past them, past the family, to stand before Mr. Vincent.


“So this whole thing about Elf’s birthday was just a ruse to get me here?”


“Not really. First birthdays are important, and we’ll take plenty of pictures to show him when he gets older. We’ll take plenty of pictures of us too.” I brought his hand to my mouth and kissed his fingertips. Mr. Vincent cleared his throat. “Sorry, sir.”


“All right, then. Let’s get this show on the road. I have to get back to DC.” Our rings lay on the book he held. He looked around, and then began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today....”


I should have been listening, but all I could see was Theo and the love in his eyes.


And then Mr. Vincent cleared his throat again, recalling my attentions, and I turned my gaze toward him. “Sir?”


“Matheson, will you take Theo to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect him; forsaking all others to be faithful to him until death do you part?”


“Oh! Yes! I do! I will!”


“Theo, will you take Matheson—”


“Always!” He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “In any way, in every way.”


“A simple ‘I will’ is all that’s necessary.”


“I will!”


“All right.” Before Mr. Vincent could tell us to “repeat after him,” I took Theo’s ring from the book, kissed it, and slid it on his finger.


“With this ring I give you my heart. It will be here for you to take, today, tomorrow, and all the days of my life.”


Theo took my ring and brought it to his lips before he put it back on my finger. “With this ring, I give you all my love. I was too blind to see what was in your eyes when you looked at me, but now I do. Will you keep that light shining for me?”


It was what we’d said when we’d exchanged vows a year ago.


We took a step toward each other, but Mr. Vincent tapped his foot and said, “Not just yet. We still have to do the ‘repeat after me’ part.”


“Oh, yes. Sorry, sir. I, William Gregorio, take you, Teodore Nikolai, to be my husband, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.”


A tear spiked Theo’s lashes and then spilled over. “I, Teodore Nikolai, take you, William Gregorio, to be my husband, my partner in life, and my one true love....”


By the time Theo got to “... as long as we both shall live,” there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.


Mr. Vincent cleared his throat again. “I have something I’d like to read. It’s called The Art of Marriage, and the author is unknown.” He took a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and looked from Theo to me. He began speaking, but never once did he look at the paper. “A good marriage must be created. In the art of marriage the little things are the big things—It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say ‘I love you’ at least once each day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is standing together facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is finding room for the things of the spirit. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner—it is being the right partner.”


There were sobs from the back of the chamber, and a quick glance showed me it was Patricia. Derek hurried across the room and spoke softly to Mr. Vincent. “Our wedding is next. Would you officiate at it?”


He looked startled but then shrugged. “Sure, why not. I’m good for the whole day.”


“Thank you.” Derek grabbed his hand and pumped it vigorously, then hurried back to Patricia. He murmured something, and her face lit up and she threw her arms around his neck.


I inhaled deeply, took a handkerchief from my pocket, and wiped my eyes before I handed it to Theo. He dried his cheeks, blew his nose, and put the handkerchief into his own pocket. We started to reach for each other.


Mr. Vincent sighed. “One minute more? All right. By the power enthroned in me, by the state of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and husband.”  Everyone in the chamber applauded, even Elf. I glanced at Mr. Vincent, and he grinned at us. “Okay. Go ahead and kiss each other.”


“Finally!” I reached for the man I was now legally married to. Theo’s eyes were bright, but this time it was with happiness.


“Y’know something, babe?” he murmured against my lips, the vibration making them tingle. “You were right. It is a gorgeous day. And this?”


“Yes, Theo?” I had to remind myself to breath.


“It’s even better than having my toes sucked on!”


