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The Sentinel


Baked, Boiled, or Fried

To Part A

To Part B

To Part C

To Part D

To Part E

To Part F


Bewitched, Bedazzled and Bewildered


'Crocodile' Ellison

'Crocodile' Ellison II:   Anywhere You Are

To Part A

To Part B


Destination Anywhere    ~New!~


Dude, You're Getting A... This is just a silly snippet inspired by that commercial.


God, The Sentinel and His Guide


The Gypsy


Here Comes Mr. Sandburg


It Was a... Trilogy

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

It Was a White and Snowy Christmas

It Was a Hearts and Flowers Valentine


James In Boots    ~New!~


Jim versus the Volcano

To Part A

To Part B


Lips and Licks and Strawberry Shortcake


The Nearness of You


Passing In the Night

Passing In the Night Prologue    ~New!~

Passing In the Night 1

Passing In the Night 2

Passing In the Night 3

Passing In the Night 4

Passing In the Night 5

Passing In the Night Epilogue


Tell Me


There Will Be Sparks    ~New!~


Top or Bottom Another silly snippet, inspired by the on-going controversy.


Valentine's Day Stories

Glad to Be Unhappy A Valentine's Day Tale

Just Another Day    Just another Valentine story

The True Love Look

Little Arrows


When I Am With You


Where Did We Go Wrong?    ~New!~


You Gotta Ring Them Bells