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Quinn Meeting Fans at Barnes & Noble

Setting up the scene: Quinn goes to a Barnes & Noble in Manhattan to kill some time (and admire his books on the shelves) and meets Libby, a book seller who’s very enthusiastic. He’s asked her to join him in a coffee, and scene picks up with them on line.


There was a couple ahead of us, so we’d have to wait a few minutes.

“Challenger Deep isn’t your real name, is it?” she asked.

“No.” Before I could explain I’d taken my pseudonym from the deepest part of the Mariana Trench near the Mariana Islands group, the man ahead of us turned to stare at me.

You’re Challenger Deep?” he exclaimed, taking in the gray slacks and navy-blue blazer I wore. Business casual, as Mark liked to say.

The woman with him rolled her eyes and poked him in the ribs with her elbow. “Geez, Dino. Ain’t you got no culture?” She spoke in a thick Brooklyn accent. “You gotta forgive my boyfriend, Mr. Deep. He was raised in a barn.”

“That’s quite all right, Ms…?”

“Oh, you can call me Frenchie. This lug here is Dino.”

“Frenchie, Dino. It’s nice to meet you.”

The barista cleared his throat. “Your Frappachinos, folks.”

“Get the drinks, wouldja, hun?” Frenchie grabbed a napkin. “Would you autograph this, Mr. Deep?”

“Certainly.” I bit my lip to contain my delight. Having people recognize me, now that it was safe, was an experience I wasn’t likely to grow tired of. “Do you have a pen?”

Her face fell, and she turned to her boyfriend. “Dino?”

He shrugged. “Nope.”

Libby giggled. “Luis, let me have a pen, please?”

“Sure thing, petunia.” Luis found a pen and passed it to her, and Libby gave it to me.

“How would you like me to make this out?”

Frenchie thought for a moment, then gave a satisfied nod. “To Frenchie and Dino, my greatest fans. They helped me get where I am today.”

“Geez, French…”

I used a cough to disguise my laugh, wrote the message as instructed, and signed Challenger Deep under it with a flair. When I handed the napkin to Frenchie, she read it, squealed, and threw her arms around me.

“Dino, look!”

He boyfriend took it, said, “Yes!” and grabbed me as well. Fortunately, he’d put the drinks down, otherwise I would have had an impromptu bath. “Thank you, man!” I was surprised when he kissed my cheek. Then Dino turned brick red, released me, and stepped back. “Uh… thank you.”

“You’re both very welcome. Thank you for asking.”

They scooped up their Frappachinos and hurried toward the doors.

“Does this happen often?” Libby asked.

“Not quite like this.”
