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Quote Of The Week :
"Be the change you want to see in the world."- Mahatma Ghangi

You Have Entered The J Files

What the Fuck are the J-Files? This is probably what you are asking your self right know. Well allow me to explain...The J files are an index of all kinds of cool shit.Stuff you should know, stuff you shouldnt and stuff youll never want to know.I will post articles,pics,and links that i find interesting...if you find an article, pic ,or site thats just hella cool Email Me it so i can post it...

You might be wondering why the fuck i would create this site...The awnser- shear boredom. By creating this site and updating it, i have something to do, you have something to do and the world makes sense again. yeah!!!The idea for this site spawned from my head as i was going through my favorites and i realized that i have a lot or random stuff.So i figured what the hell.i can practice my html and make use of all the minutes i idol in front of my computer in boredom. the only bitch i have is that i have a dial-up...:( which makes everything slow...i have tasted heaven and im stuck in hell...

Also, i plan on posting any and all worthwhile concerts and events comming to the Tampa Area. if you have and suggestions or comments feel free to Email Me

Hit List-everythimg thats wrong with society..

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