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Warren Thompson

Hey, my name is Warren Thompson III. I am the son of Rebekah Maclean and Warren Thompson Jr. I am primarily and proudly Scottish (clan Maclean) and I currently live in Palm Beach, Fl. I was born on Jan 23, 1987 and I am currently 16 years old. I live with my mother and brother(18). My father lives in North Florida and my Sister(21) lives in West Palm Beach, Florida.

My hobbies include computer programming, web design, and amateur film making.

My interests include Zombies, the Mafia, underworld tech, stealth arts, ninpo, bushido, kobudo, stav, ancient civilizations, medieval civilizations, roleplaying games, war-figurine games, robotics, techno, electronica, dance, raving, dancing, DDR, Dance Freak/Dance Maniax.

I do not currently have a job but do freelance computer design and custom programming.

My current alias (at least, the ones that i choose to reveal) are Thadeuss, Braddock, Thadeuss Sarde, Thad, Chaz, Dark Thad, Madcap Mushroom, Madcap Mushroomhead, Hadeyoshi, Hadeyoshi Sube, & WAR.

Thats more than you need to know about me. I dont currently have a scanner but i'll get a picture up eventually.

need something else? Email me

Zombie Zoology