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Attacks and Techniques

(The attacks are split into three different damage classes: Basic, Strong, and Elite)

Basic: Minimum Energy or Strength of 1,000 and 5,000KI to Learn | 3 Day to Learn, Cannot Master these moves

Strong: Minimum Energy or Strength of 10,000 and 15,000 KI to Learn and Master | 5 Days to Learn, 5 Days to Master

Elite: Minimum Energy or Strength/ KI Varies; Must be Learned From a Master (See Moves) | Varies upon Master | Energy Used: Varies | Damage: Varies

(If a move is Mastered, then it goes down a step in Ki used, the deducted Ki cost is stated with each move)

(On the moves page, the Original Master of the move will have the notation (OM) next to their name. Only the Original Master can Teach and give others permission to Master their move.)

(Also take noticed that Ki is gained by extensive training and cannot be gained with your other stats, You will need this for Attacks/Elite Techniques)

Basic Level | Strong Level | Elite Level

(Note: Each Technique can only be used once. Although these are separated into levels, these techniques don't cost any Ki)

Stop Techs | Strong Techs | Elite Techs

Mastering Limit

Basic Level Attacks - - - Non Masterable
Strong Level Attacks - - - Four Attack Mastering Limit
Elite Level Attacks | Elite Techniques - - - No Mastering Limit
Techniques (Stop, & Strong) - - -
Two Technique Mastering Limit... (Does not apply to Flight, Split Form.)

Sword Fighting Skills
The sword fighting skills is an alternative to people who are picky and don't like Physical or Energy Combat. Click Below to look at the Necessities for Sword Training.

Sword Attacks and Sword Techniques