January 18. 2002


News Release  Senate Bill 1000 filed on January 14, 2002


Senator Mandy M. Dawson has filed SB 1000 in the Florida Legislature. This bill deals with Paternity Fraud but will only increase the legal wrangling needed by the Paternity Fraud Victims.  This is tied to HB 379, which is not a good bill for Paternity Fraud victims.


Please read this SB 1000 and HB 379carefully, and make the sponsors of these bills aware of your concerns and the lack of good legislation on behalf of paternity Fraud Victims.


The passage of SB 1000 and HB 379  as it reads in it’s current form will not be good for Paternity Fraud victims in the State of Florida, and only increase the amount of legal hassle by the Courts and the attorneys on Paternity Fraud victims.


Thank you,


Nadine G. Mendelsohn-Ziskind
Director, Florida Citizens Against Paternity Fraud
Co-Chair, Legislative Committee, DADS of Florida

