Do Not Use Court Reporter Kim Kelter

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:33 AM

To All DADS in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County:


A warning about Court Reporter Kim Kelter.


David Ziskind, a member of DADS, has used Kim Kelter as the Court Reporter for his case in the Dade County Family Court. We have recommended Kim Kelter to many DADS.


We now rescind that recommendation and hope that we have not caused anyone any losses based on Miss Kelter's professional standards and ethics.


Last year David Ziskind appealed a decision by the lower court which vacated the finding of the General Master.  Many of you were there at the hearings as Court Watchers.


For the Appeal, David needed the transcripts of the hearings, and Kim Kelter conveniently lost the tapes of those hearings, and was unable to produce a transcript.  After over a year of trying to get Kim Kelter to find the transcripts, and her promising to write to the Appeals Court numerous times (which she did not) about being unable to produce the transcripts, she speaks to the State Attorney William Branch, the Attorney for the State of Florida DOR, and tells him that the reason she doesn't have the transcript is that David refuses to pay her. Mr. Branch uses that in his reply brief. (Which will be posted on my website very soon.)


Of course David spoke to Kim Kelter who swore up and down that she did > not say such things, and would write a letter the Appeals Court.  Which she never did.


Kim Kelter ignored the Direction to the Court in both this case and one > other that we have on appeal.


Do not use Kim Kelter, and if you have or are doing so now, find another  Court Reporter immediately.


 It has yet to be discerned how much money or what Kim Kelter received > from the other side to lose the transcripts that would have had the > Appeals Court overturn the lower court ruling. I doubt that we will ever > find out.


 Kim Kelter has just cost us at least $25,000 dollars.


 Be aware that she is not a professional no matter what she says.  A  professional Court Reporter does not lose tapes and transcripts.


A professional Court Reporter belongs to the National Court Reporters Association and/or it’s Florida Chapter.  Kim Kelter belongs to neither.