Who Is My Daddy?

A Father’s Day Plea from a Paternity Fraud Child

Do you know who my real daddy is?

My mommy is Sybil Hart (Ziskind).  She was married to the man I thought was my daddy when I was born.  The man who thought he was my daddy is David Ziskind.  My mommy was married once before, and when I asked my grandma about why mommy was in a different wedding dress with another man the picture disappeared.

I have two older sisters.  The older one started talking to the man I thought was my daddy after she turned 18 and moved out of my mommy’s house.  My other sister will not talk to the man I thought was my daddy, because she thinks my mommy did nothing wrong. I think she hates her daddy.

I thought David Ziskind was my daddy, but when I was a year and a half old, he and mommy split up.  Mommy moved me and my sisters down to Miami from Philadelphia and told us to forget about “daddy.”  My grandma and grandpa gave us a house around Bal Habour Mall, and Mommy did some contruction to add more bedrooms and bathrooms

“Daddy” moved down to Miami and got his own place to live.  My sisters and I hardly ever saw him or talked to him, and Mommy kept saying all sorts of bad things about him.  For a few months, when I was about 7 or 8, before we moved to Texas, mommy let us see the man I thought was my “daddy.”  I had fun going to his house. I liked his new girlfriend.

Then mommy moved us to Lubbock, Texas.  We came home from sleep away camp in August, 1997, and were told we were moving next week.  I hardly had time to say goodbye to my friends in Miami, and Mommy wouldn’t let us see or speak to “daddy.  I really didn’t want to see “daddy” because I heard that he was saying that he is not my real “daddy.”

But if he was not my real daddy, then who is, and why won’t Mommy tell me who my real daddy is?  Why does Mommy want to keep me from the man who I thought was my “daddy, and why won’t she let me know who my real daddy is?  I want a “daddy” like all the other girls.

For a couple of weeks after we got to Texas, Mommy let me talk to “daddy” when he called.  She said she had to do it because the judge said so.

One day “daddy” called me up and said I have something to say to you.  “I still love you, but you need to know that I am not your real father.”  I was upset, but I had already heard about “daddy” from my older sisters.  They told me that Mommy wouldn’t tell me about “daddy”, so they had to.  I found out that Mommy had “daddy” taken away to jail for telling me the truth.

Now Mommy wouldn’t let me call or talk to David or Nadine.  When they called I was told to hang up the phone, or just put the phone down on the counter.  But I could hear my “daddy” asking if anyone was there, and won’t someone talk to him.  Then mommy or my sisters would slam the phone down.   My “daddy” sounded so sad on the phone.  After a little while, “ daddy” would call, but I was not allowed to answer the phone, I had to let the answering machine pick it up.  I could hear “daddy” try to talk, but Mommy said to me and my sisters that “daddy” was a bad man and we should not talk to him.

When he came to Texas to see my older sister graduate from high school, Mommy would not let us see him, and I did not get to go to my sister’s graduation.  I had to stay home because “daddy” was there.  My big sister was graduating high school and I couldn’t go because mommy was mad at “daddy.”  “Daddy” never came back to Texas.

Why can’t I have a daddy, and why is mommy so mean to me and my sisters.  She even beat up my older sister for talking about “daddy” and who my real daddy might be.


Why did mommy take me away from the only “daddy” I knew?  Why won’t mommy let me have my real daddy?

Why won’t somebody tell me who my daddy really is?